Naming and Renaming Streets and Properties

Street Sign

Street Naming and Numbering

Practical guides are available containing information on street naming and numbering:

New Properties and Streets submission process

Submitting a New Property or Street Naming and Numbering Application

Please click on the link below to submit a New Property or Street Naming and Numbering request and include the following information:

  • your planning permission reference
  • if naming a property, the name(s) you wish to put forward - these will be checked to ensure there are no repeats in the same postal area
  • a correspondence address - preferably an email address - so we can inform you when the process had been completed

The Fee payable for Street Naming and Numbering applications are as follows

  • Naming of a New Street - £160
  • New dwelling/units following demolition/ conversion - £157 per plot*
  • Numbering of new development: 1 to 5 Plots - £157 per plot*
  • Numbering of a new development : 6+ Plots - £785 + £36 Per plot*
  • Amend a development layout - £157 per new plot* affected

*plot being a dwelling, flat, or industrial, commercial or retail unit

Please note that the above charge will also be incurred for subsequent re-numbering of developments that have been re-planned.

The registration charge must be paid at the time of making your submission.

For further information on the naming of new streets and the numbering / naming of new properties, please contact the Building Control team:

Altering the Name of an Existing Property

To alter the name of a property ( residential or commercial ), please use our online form:

Contact: The Building Control team

Last updated on 06/06/2024