Cookies Privacy Notice

Statement on Cookies

We are committed to treat your personal information with care, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. By using our website, you agree to our disclaimer and privacy notice - take a look at these documents to find out more on how we collect and use your personal data.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small files which are stored on your computer by the websites that you visit. They typically hold a small amount of data that may be specific to you or generic to the website. This data can be accessed by the website or the browser on your computer to help maintain and improve the features and services delivered by the website. Some cookies only exist for the duration of your session whilst others will remain on your computer for a set period of time or permanently until you clear out your cookies.

Cookies Found on our Website

Mandatory Website Cookies

These cookies are automatically set once the website is visited and should not be removed if you wish to use all the features of our site. Please note that you may experience difficulties being able to log into an account on our website, as well as other performing other actions, if these are not set. These cookies do not store any personal information directly, but are used by our systems to identify which information can be shown on a page for a given process.

  • CFID

Login Session Cookies

These cookies are set when you securely log into an account on our website and are required to maintain a secure session with which to keep you logged in. These cookies authenticate your identity as well as enabling access to certain areas of the site. Without these cookies being allowed, you will not be able to log into an account on our website (or remain logged in if you are already logged in when you block them). These cookies do not store any personal information directly, but are used by our systems to identify you in certain situations.

  • SDC

Usability Cookies

These cookies are used to improve, customise and personalise your experience on our website. Purely for the purpose of enhancing how you interact with our online services, these cookies are only required for certain UX improvements and accessibility functions. These do not store personal information but help us to enrich and simplify your experience on our site. If blocked some of our online services may not function in the way intended.


Google Analytics Cookies

As part of our ongoing mission to understand and improve how our customers interact with our online services, we use Google Analytics to record anonymised non-personal information about you for reporting and decision-making. Such information includes, but is not limited to: geographical location (accurate to the country you are in), technology used to access the site, pages visited, links visited and behaviour while on our site. In order to record and report on this information, Google Analytics uses cookies.

These cookies are optional and we will ask your choice on the use of analytics cookies. The analytics cookies are added only if you agree to their use. We store your choice using a cookie (GACOOKIE) which is kept for a year unless you clear the cookies manually.

By blocking these cookies we will not be able to gather any information about your visit - this will not increase your personal privacy while browsing but will prevent us helping to understand our users better for the purpose of improving our online services.

  • _utms
  • _utmz
  • _ga

How to Delete or Block Cookies

If you are considering blocking cookies please be aware that it may prevent or hinder you from using some websites and their services.

All website browsers should provide you with the option to delete or block cookies. To find instructions for your browser please refer to the documentation provided under the browser's 'help' menu.

Other Cookies

The information above should contain mentions to all cookies we store (for the reasons specified). If, however, you find additional or different cookies stored as a result of using our online services, please do not hesitate to contact our web team at who will be happy to assist you.

Version Date Changes made Approved by Next review date
1 09/01/2025 Initial version Website development officer 09/01/2026

Contact: The Customer Services team

Last updated on 09/01/2025