Please use this form if you wish to complain about council procedures or the services you receive.
The authority defines a complaint as:
"An allegation that, through action or inaction, the council, or any of its staff, failed to deliver a service in accord with the council's policy or agreed standards of service."
Dealing with a complaint is not in itself an appeal against a decision made by the council or its duties. For instance, criticism of a planning decision or an appeal against a parking fine would not be treated as a complaint, unless it is with regards to not following correct procedure.
If your complaint relates to the actions of a third party and you are requesting a service from the council to investigate - for example you wish to complain about hygiene standards in a food business or you believe an operator is breaching license or planning conditions - please contact the relevant service directly, use the search tool to find help with your concern, or call the council on 01789 267575.
Find out more about the formal complaints procedure.
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