Press Release
Published on 14 January 2019
Archived on 14 February 2019
Stratford-on-Avon District Council is now entering the budget setting phase and a great deal of work has gone into reviewing the finances for the year to come.
This year Central Government, within their spending calculation assumed that Council Tax would increase by £5, which equates to a 3.7% increase. However, The District Council's Cabinet has recommended an increase of just 1.5%.
That equates to an increase of £2.05 on a Band D property (less than 4p per week).
Stratford-on-Avon District Council has been able to maintain a relatively low level of Council Tax as a result of years of prudent financial management, whilst retaining reserves, which will be used in future years.
The budget proposals include:
Cllr Tony Jefferson, Leader of Stratford District Council says: "We have worked hard to keep our increase in Council Tax to a minimum. Unfortunately we are receiving less money from central government. We have worked hard to produce a balanced budget, I am pleased however that the increase that we are announcing is less than we expected to be last year.
"We have a number of key priorities that we have included in the draft budget proposals and we want to know whether you support them.
"The areas where funding has been available support our key objectives in relation to Housing where we are trying to minimise the number of people who we accommodate in Bed and Breakfast and the UBUS scheme to ensure our rural areas have access to transport as well as the local economy.
"We are expecting the government to undertake a full review in the way in which local government is funded over the next few months and expect further reductions. This is a key reason why we need to maintain reserves at a high level. We will be making representations to ensure that we get our fair share to invest in the services that you want."
Following The Cabinet's decision, the proposals will now go out for consultation - a questionnaire will be sent to the Council's Citizens' Panel, seeking views on a range of issues including Council Tax and the proposed budget.
The results of the consultation will be considered by The Cabinet at the next meeting before the final budget recommendations are made to Council on Monday 25 February.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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