An Annual rough sleeper count in Stratford-on-Avon District - update

This article is 7 years old

Press Release

Published on 14 December 2018
Archived on 14 January 2019

The annual estimate of the number of people sleeping rough across Stratford-on-Avon District for 2018 has been confirmed as 10, down from 17 the previous year, following the annual count that took place at the end of November.  

The Council provides an estimate based on intelligence which means that it meets with a variety of support agencies which include P3, the police and CGL (Change, Grow, Live) to go through the names of all known rough sleepers who have been verified as being outside on the typical night chosen.

Cllr Jacqui Harris, Health, Wellbeing and Housing Portfolio says: "The District Council remains concerned  about people sleeping rough,  and has been working hard with partner agencies to tackle the issue. It is therefore pleasing to see that the numbers of people sleeping rough on the streets of Stratford have been significantly reduced.

"Rough sleeping and homelessness is a complex picture, and there is recognition across South Warwickshire that this is not something that can be resolved by just putting a roof over people's heads. Some people refuse to go into the accommodation that is being offered, and others are unable to cope with the responsibility of having a tenancy. The police, the housing authorities, public health and support providers have met several times to look at ways at achieving more sustainable solutions and continue to work on this.

"The District Council and its partners are committed to supporting the rough sleeper community. The Link Project is a daytime support service for rough sleepers, and regularly engages with those on the streets to offer assistance.  The District Council has also recently approved an enhanced Severe Weather Emergency Protocol, which triggers additional measures when extreme weather is forecast."

All local authorities have to submit an annual figure to central government indicating the numbers of people sleeping rough in their area on a single 'typical' night, which this year was Thursday 22 November. The figure is then independently verified by Homeless Link before being submitted to the government.

There are several organisations in Stratford that can help and support those sleeping rough.

Stratford Link Project: (Open Monday to Friday: 10am to 1pm) 14 Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BA; please note that access to the Link Project is at the rear, through Shrieves Walk off Sheep Street, or via Old Red Lion Court next to McDonald's. Support can include:

  • Housing advice/homelessness
  • Benefits and budget service
  • Debt assistance
  • Drug and alcohol advice
  • Employment, education and volunteering advice
  • Health advice
  • Recreational activities

Those wishing to support the Link can make a financial donation at:

P3 Charity: housing-related floating support service to over 25s in Warwickshire: 0808 164 6220

St Basils: housing-related floating support to those aged 16 to 25 in Warwickshire: text NEED ST BASILS to 62277 or call 01789 332 540

CGL (Change, Grow, Live): alcohol and drug treatment centre: 16 Court St, Leamington Spa, CV31 2BB Tel: 01926 353513

Citizens Advice Bureau: 25 Meer Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. Tel: 01789 200136

JobCentrePlus: Martin Raff House, Alcester Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9DA. Tel: 0345 604 3719

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 14/12/2018