Peer Review Challenge

This article is 6 years old

Press Release

Published on 20 March 2019
Archived on 20 April 2019

At the end of February, Stratford-on-Avon District Council invited the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge team to review progress since the previous review in 2017.

Over a two day period, the Peer Team had conversations with over 40 people across the District Council and also spoke with many key partners such as Warwickshire County Council, the LEP and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, as well as councillors and parishes.  

One of the key messages was that the previous Corporate Peer Review has been taken seriously and that progress has been made implementing the recommendations from the 2017 Corporate Peer Review. There had also been a positive change in how stakeholders viewed the District Council and relationships with partners were constructive and encouraging.

The feedback letter from the LGA, published on the Council's website this week, also highlighted 'how the District Council's political and managerial leadership is making positive changes to the organisation. The Peer Team also heard many positives about the district from inside and outside of the District Council.'

The Member Development Training was seen as exemplary and 'is well planned, evolving and has high take up from councillors', which ensures members have the appropriate support to lead the Council and the district.

The District Council's Leadership 'recognises the future financial challenges' and that using the 'reserves to balance revenue is unsustainable in the longer term' and there are plans to address this, by using resources in 'innovative ways and generate sustainable income in the longer term.'

The Peer Team wants to build 'on the clear strengths of the district' and 'encourage the District Council to focus on where it can add value and where the district makes a difference to the wider West Midlands region through its uniqueness of place. The whole of the District can benefit if Stratford-upon-Avon is flourishing and the Peer Team would encourage the District Council to make the most of these opportunities'.

Another area for consideration is: 'as the district grows and changes, new communities will be formed and the District Council's role in helping to build a strong, cohesive and welcoming district will increase.'

Finally, 'following the election, the new District Council will want to ensure that it is poised to move at pace in developing the Corporate Strategy as well as maintaining the momentum of the work already being delivered in some key areas.'

Background information

Following the original LGA Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) in March 2017, Stratford-on-Avon District Council asked the Peer Team to make a follow up visit to help review and assess progress and development in response to the original feedback and recommendations. This visit took place on 28 February and 1 March 2019.    

A peer review from the Local Government Association (LGA) involves leading councillors and senior officers from other councils across the country to help further improve the council's work. Peer challenges are provided by the LGA at no cost as part of their improvement programme. The process is designed to be forward-looking and problem-solving. It is not a form of inspection and does not rank or score the council.

Peer challenge is one of the key tools to support sector-led improvement. It is tailored to meet individual councils' needs, and designed to complement and add value to a council's own performance and improvement focus. The Peer Team provide feedback as critical friends, not as assessors, consultants or inspectors.

The follow up visit included two members of the Peer Team who were involved in the original CPC*:

  • Antoinette Jackson* - Chief Executive, Cambridge City Council
  • Councillor Peter Fleming - Leader, Sevenoaks District Council
  • Joanne Wagstaffe* - Director of Finance, Watford BC and Three Rivers DC
  • James Millington - Peer Challenge Manager, LGA  

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 20/03/2019