Latest housing land supply figure shows strong position of 6.51 years

This article is 6 years old

Press Release

Published on 31 July 2019
Archived on 31 August 2019

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has published the latest figures that continue to demonstrate in excess of a five-year housing land supply.

Government planning rules in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires all local planning authorities to demonstrate a deliverable five-year housing land supply to keep their local plans in force.

If the District Council cannot show that it has a five-year housing land supply, its Core Strategy policies regarding residential development will be treated as 'out-of-date'. This means it would move to a position where there would be a 'presumption in favour of sustainable development' and, in short, means losing control of where and when development takes place. The District Council has a Core Strategy plan designed to deliver housing that meets the district's needs and is determined to do everything in its power to make sure the plan is the basis for development.

Stratford District Council's latest Housing Land Supply Statement for 2019-2024, shows there is a 6.51-year supply.

To determine this figure, the District Council monitors planning permissions, carries out site surveys to check progress on house-building and works with housebuilders to calculate how many homes have been built and how many are likely to be built in the next five years.

The latest housing completion survey showed a record 1,408 homes were built in 2018/19, an increase of 110 on the previous year's figure of 1,298.

Cllr Daren Pemberton, Deputy Leader and Place Portfolio at Stratford-on-Avon District Council, said: "After four consecutive years of strong delivery, the District Council can demonstrate a 6.51 years' housing land supply. This is good news for the whole district as it will help us continue fighting against speculative development sites which are unsuitable for delivering sustainable communities, whilst continuing to deliver on the housing growth to meet our residents' needs.

"Demonstrating a five year land supply is only one part of the picture when it comes to dealing with planning applications, but our residents know it is an important element. It also means that there is no land supply reason to consider any of the reserve sites recently published for consultation. I hope this news will give residents confidence that we are dedicated to building the right homes in the right places for our communities. However, it is also imperative that we continue to deliver on the sites already in the Core Strategy to maintain this position."

For more information please visit:

The calculation is based on the housing requirement for the 20-year plan period 2011 to 2031, as set out in the Adopted Core Strategy - 14,600 homes, phased as follows:

566 homes per annum 2011/12 - 2015/16
894 homes per annum 2016/17 - 2020/21
730 homes per annum 2021/22 - 2030/31

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 05/08/2019