During the Covid-19 Pandemic Stratford-on-Avon District Council will issue a daily update (from Monday to Friday) for residents and businesses.
Key updates - 30 March
Businesses are being asked to complete the on-line application to qualify for the grants.
Please note: To protect business from fraudsters the District Council will not be asking for bank details over the phone, we will be directing them to completing the online form.
- Help with Council Tax
We do completely understand the pressure many households now find themselves under and urge residents to contact the District Council as soon as possible.
Please remember, if you're struggling with payments there are a number of discounts or reductions you may be eligible for.
Please visit the help and advice pages on the District Council's website - https://www.stratford.gov.uk/council-tax/help-and-advice-for-council-tax-debt.cfm
If you require further assistance please email: revenues@stratford-dc.gov.uk and they will look at all the options available, including rescheduling payments, to suit your needs.
- Council Tax and Business Rates
We want to remind residents and businesses again that we have suspended all legal and any other enforcement action to recover unpaid Council Tax or Business Rates.
- Free car parking for NHS Staff and social care workers in SDC car parks
All NHS staff and social care workers will be able to park for free in District Council car parks during the coronavirus outbreak - they just need to display supporting evidence in their windscreen, such as a photocopy of their work pass (with sensitive information removed) or a letter from their employer.
- Main reception at Elizabeth House closed to the public
You can still contact the District Council by phone on 01789 267575, although the phone lines are very busy, alternatively email: info@stratford-dc.gov.uk or access services online at www.stratford.gov.uk or visit our Facebook and Twitter for up-to-date information and advice.
Cllr Tony Jefferson, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: "We are focused on our priorities which are:
- Contact Centre - providing a first point of contact for residents and the local community - calls are up 25%.
- Working with partners to get the Community Hub up and running to deliver vital supplies to the most vulnerable in our community. 43 deliveries made today, on day one of the operation.

- We are mobilising to provide support to businesses through rates support, grants and planning for the economic recovery from the pandemic.
- Increasing IT capacity and capability to increase the number of people working from home, ensuring the systems are resilient, so that we are able to continue delivering services in new ways.
- Communicating important information with our COVID-19 daily updates - issued to the local media, posted on our website and social media channels.
"Obviously we cannot do everything and we are focused on delivering our priorities well. People at the District Council are responding extremely well to the crisis. Residents may not fully appreciate the amount of background work that has to be done to enable us to do what is needed.
"There is little capacity, at this point in time, to address anything other than our key priorities. There is a huge difference between having to get things done and commenting from the side-lines. This is not helpful or motivational for our staff who are more than 'going the extra mile' at this difficult time nor does it provide our residents and businesses with clear information and confidence about the support available to them."