Stratford-on-Avon District Council COVID-19 daily update - 2 April

This article is 5 years old

Press Release

Published on 2 April 2020
Archived on 2 May 2020

During the Covid-19 Pandemic Stratford-on-Avon District Council will issue a daily update (from Monday to Friday) for residents and businesses.  

Key updates - 2 April 

Businesses are being asked to complete the on-line application to qualify for the grants.

To date: 680 applications have been received.

Please note: To protect business from fraudsters the District Council will not be asking for bank details over the phone, we will be directing them to completing the online form.

Also please do not disclosure your Business Rates Account number to anyone.

We have also received a number of new business applications that are not on our database, so before we can process these they have to go through the full registration process.

We are prioritising payments to those on our database in the first instance.

There is also a useful FAQ now on the website -

If you have any further enquiries please email:

  • Licensing Decisions - Temporary Changes to Decision-Making Processes
    A number of temporary measures has been put in place until further notice:

    • The Head of Governance and Democracy will continue to determine all non-contentious licensing applications.
    • For contentious applications involving premises licences under the Licensing Act 2005 or matters relating to the Gambling Act 2005 a Licensing Panel hearing will take place remotely, in the absence of members of the public and the responsible authorities - with just the panel members, licensing officer and a legal officer present. All written representations from the applicant and any third parties will be taken into account when making a decision, and if possible the meeting will be webcast.
    • For all other contested licensing applications, the Head of Governance and Democracy will determine the matter.
    • As usual, all decisions made under these arrangements will be published on the Council's website.

The Council's Constitution is currently being updated to reflect these temporary changes, which will be subject to on-going review, with the intention of returning back to our usual governance arrangements as soon as it is lawful and feasible to do so.

Planning Decisions - Temporary Changes to Decision-Making Processes
A number of temporary measures has been put in place until further notice:

    • All planning committee meetings have been cancelled.
    • The Head of Planning and Housing will continue to determine all non-contentious planning applications.
    • For contentious applications/matters, including:
      • If a local ward member or town/parish council object to or support a planning application (or approval of a reserved matter) that is contrary to an officer recommendation, or
      • If an application is made on behalf of the Council or is submitted on behalf of a councillor member of staff or their immediate family

The Head of Planning and Housing will seek views in writing from members of one of our two planning committees and take any views received into account prior to determining the application, with the decision and any views expressed being published on the Council's website.

The Council's Constitution is currently being updated to reflect these temporary changes, which will be subject to on-going review, with the intention of returning back to our usual governance arrangements as soon as it is lawful and feasible to do so.

In all other respects, the Planning Team will continue to process and determine applications as far as it is practicable and lawful to do so.

  • Emergency accommodation
    The emergency protocol has now been triggered across the district in relation to COVID-19 and emergency accommodation is being offered to those sleeping rough. If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough please call 01789 267575.

  • Community Support Groups
    Many local groups have set up across the district to support people in their community who may be struggling to get food or medicine and lots of Town & Parish Councils are also offering support.
    Warwickshire County Council, with help from the District Council has compiled a directory providing useful information about local organisations, groups and agencies that are providing activities, advice, and services during the current COVID-19 crisis -

  • Help with Council Tax
    We do completely understand the pressure many households now find themselves under and urge residents to contact the District Council as soon as possible.
    Please remember, if you're struggling with payments there are a number of discounts or reductions you may be eligible for.

    Please visit the help and advice pages on the District Council's website -

    If you require further assistance please email: and they will look at all the options available, including rescheduling payments, to suit your needs.

  • Main reception at Elizabeth House closed to the public
    You can still contact the District Council by phone on 01789 267575, although the phone lines are very busy, alternatively email: or access services online at or visit our Facebook and Twitter for up-to-date information and advice.

Cllr Tony Jefferson, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: "Today's update reflects the significant changes we are having to make to the way we operate. We are making these changes to ensure that the decisions people need can still be made. I think people need to recognise that it may be some time before normal service can be resumed.

"I would reiterate what I have said previously, our contact centre and other customer facing operations are facing unprecedented and emotionally stressful demands. Everyone is working hard to provide the services that everyone needs, but these really are strange and fraught times."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 02/04/2020