Stratford-on-Avon District Council COVID-19 update - 15 July

This article is 5 years old

Press Release

Published on 15 July 2020
Archived on 15 August 2020

Key updates - 15 July

  • Business Rates and Discretionary Grants

    The Council received 402 applications for Discretionary Grants which was the largest response in the County.

    We are now in the process of working through those applications - there are 4 levels of grants ranging from £1,000 to £10,000.
    So far, payments have been made to 162 businesses totalling £1.1m.

    Further payment runs are scheduled for this week.

    The total Business Rates Grants under the phase 1 of the Government Scheme now shows that we have paid out £32.39million to 2,686 Businesses.

  • District Leisure Centres to reopen

    The District Council's five leisure centres in Alcester, Shipston, Southam, Stratford and Studley are preparing to reopen on Saturday 25 July.

    Since they were closed in March, Everyone Active who operate the centres have been putting the necessary social distancing and extra cleaning and hygiene measures in place to make the facilities COVID-safe for all users and staff in preparedness for when they were allowed to open again.

    Gyms at the centres will open on Saturday 25 July with swimming pools opening the following week on Saturday 1 August.

    For more information please visit:

  • Reopening Elizabeth House to the public

    The District Council's offices reopened to the public on Monday 6 July and are averaging 45 customers each day dealing with a range of queries including applications for housing benefit, council tax support, home choice plus applications, homelessness and car parking permits.

    Main reception is open Monday to Friday between 10am and 2pm and numbers will be limited at any one time. Social distancing measures are in place within the Customer Service area. Please note that in line with new Government Guidance all customers will be required to wear face masks from Monday 27th

    The majority of staff are still working from home, but duty officers for services will be available on the telephone.

    If you are threatened with homelessness you should call 01789 260861 to make immediate contact with the Homelessness Duty Officer.

    The District Council has continued to provide services even though Elizabeth House has not been open to the public.

    If you don't want or need to visit the offices, help is still available from our customer services team during our normal office hours (Monday to Wednesday 8.45am to 5.15pm and Thursday to Friday 8.45am to 5pm) on 01789 267575 or email and services can still be accessed online at

  • Fisherman's car park, Warwick Road, Stratford-upon-Avon

    New lockable gates were installed at Fisherman's car park on Warwick Road last week.

    From Monday 3 August onwards, the car park will be closed overnight to prevent anti-social behaviour from taking place. The closure will be from 8.30pm to 6am between April and September and from 5pm and 6am between October and March however the 6am opening time will still allow canoeists, swimmers, runners, dog walkers and fishermen the opportunity to enjoy their activities all year round.

  • Public Toilets across the district open

    The District Council's public toilets across the district are open -

    The public toilets at the Recreation Ground and the chargeable facilities at Waterside in Stratford-upon-Avon have been open since May and the chargeable toilets at Bridgeway are now open. The only toilets not currently open in the town centre are Ely Street and Windsor Street, as these toilets are too small to accommodate social distancing measures.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 15/07/2020