Stratford Town Centre COVID-19 Safety Measures update

This article is 5 years old

Press Release

Published on 5 August 2020
Archived on 5 September 2020

Updates to the COVID-19 safety measures currently in place in Stratford-upon-Avon town centre to reflect lessons learned and feedback from residents, businesses and visitors will be implemented by Warwickshire County Council, the highway and public health authority, starting next week.

Alterations to Bridge Street, Wood Street and Greenhill Street where no tarmac work is required will be carried out between 6pm and 10pm, starting on 10 and be completed on 11 August.

The following week, beginning 17 August, where road closure and tarmac replacement is required, work will be completed on Sheep Street, High Street, Chapel Street and Church Street.

The sequencing of the works arises because the Traffic Order required must use the normal 14-days consultation period rather than 7-days using emergency provisions.

These updates arise from the ongoing review and consultation exercise to ensure Stratford is COVID safe with measures providing confidence for users of the town, while enabling businesses to begin rebuilding economically as lockdown measures are eased by the Government.

Cllr Jeff Clarke, Warwickshire's County Council's portfolio holder for transport and planning, said: "We are working hard to accommodate as many people's priorities as we can and hope that these adaptations will be welcomed by businesses and still provide the element of safety that will give residents and visitors to the town the confidence to go and spend time there and visit the local businesses."

Cllr Daren Pemberton, Deputy Leader Stratford District Council said: "The update to Stratford's COVID safe measures reflect experience on the ground and are being implemented as soon as is practicably possible. The updates enhance what is already a COVID safe and welcoming environment for residents and visitors that will also allow local businesses to maximise opportunities for recovery."

The changes for Stratford-upon-Avon are as follows:

  • Sheep Street, Chapel Street, Wood Street, Greenhill Street - remove all aspects of the temporary scheme and reinstate permanent signs and markings, with the exception of the temporary bus stop on Wood Street. 

  • Union Street - temporary scheme to stay in place, with the addition of two public parking spaces (1hr), at the end of the taxi rank (Birmingham Road end). Additional 'taxi' markings will be installed.

  • High Street - full closure to traffic from its junction with Bridge Street to its junction with Sheep Street, from 11am until 6pm seven days a week. No deliveries will be permitted during this closure window. Outside of these hours 2-way traffic and previous parking arrangements and restrictions will apply.

  • Bridge Street - 2-way traffic to be reinstated, removal of temporary central barrier, provide barriers from the golden post boxes to just past M&S to provide additional space for social distancing, echelon parking and a single bus stop to be provided between L'Occitaine shop to the old BHS (1hr, no return 2hrs).

    Temporary barriers to stay in place on the 'Boots' side. A gap in the barriers will be provided to provide an additional informal crossing point with the provision of tactile paving and tarmac will be installed from the vicinity of Sainsbury's across to M&S. the existing temporary trees to be situated either side of the tactile paving on both sides. 

  • Gyratory - all cones to be removed.

  • The 20mph speed limit will remain in place.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 05/08/2020