Serious Violence Prevention Strategy Adopted by Cabinet

Press Release

Published on 7 May 2024
Archived on 7 June 2024

Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet has approved the Warwickshire Serious Violence Prevention Strategy which details how agencies within Warwickshire will prevent and reduce serious violence.

On 31 January 2023, a new statutory duty for the Council came into effect - the Serious Violence Duty. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 places the new duty on 'specified authorities', including district councils. The Duty requires specified authorities to work together to share information, target their interventions, and plan to prevent and reduce serious violence within their local communities.

Whilst Warwickshire County and Stratford district have low crime rates compared to national standards, it is not immune to serious violence. The strategy acknowledges the devastating impact that violence can have, tearing families apart, dividing friends, and creating fear in our schools and our communities.

The Warwickshire Serious Violence Prevention Strategy is a detailed, long-term plan for all specified authorities to work together and prevent violence in Warwickshire. Partner authorities include Warwickshire Police, Probation Services, Warwickshire Youth Justice, Warwickshire Fire and Rescue, the local Integrated Care Board, District and Borough Councils and Warwickshire County Council. There is also a requirement that educational authorities (schools, colleges, independent educational establishments, and approved premises) and secure estates (prisons and youth custody), collaborate with specified authorities to prevent and reduce serious violence.

A number of initiatives will be delivered including a serious violence training programme, a peer mentoring programme for young people, a new 18-25 multiagency transition team will address those requiring support. Local community interventions in Stratford District for 2024/5 will be delivered using £15,000 of funding from the scheme.

This Plan aligns with the District Council's new Council Plan 2023-27 objectives which outlines the aim to 'reduce crime and anti-social behaviour through the Community Safety Partnership'.

Councillor Natalie Gist, Law and Governance Portfolio Holder and Chair of the South Warwickshire CSP said: "Preventing Serious Violence is everyone's business and is not an issue that can be tackled by organisations working in isolation. We are grateful to our partners at the County Council for taking the lead in preparing the strategy on behalf of all of the districts and boroughs in Warwickshire. It is only by working together with each other and with our residents that progress in reducing serious violence in the district will be able to be made."

The full strategy can be read at here


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 07/05/2024