Garden Waste Subscription Service hits 20K subscriptions

This article is 4 years old

Press Release

Published on 17 February 2021
Archived on 17 March 2021

Stratford-on Avon District Council has received over 20,000 subscriptions for the garden waste subscription service since applications opened in January.

Applications opened on 11 January with an early bird offer of £35 for each green bin for a 12-month subscription, starting on 1 April 2021.

The early bird offer ends on 28 February, after which the annual charge of £40 for each green bin will apply.

Cllr Ian Shenton, Operations Portfolio says: "Early bird applications are still open until the end of February and I would encourage anyone who would like to subscribe to our garden waste service, to take advantage of this offer and sign up now before the service starts in April. I don't want people to be disappointed when the early bird offer ends and they have missed out."

To subscribe and find out more about this service, please visit:

For those residents who do not want to subscribe to the service, they can register to have their green bin removed at -

From April 2021, the District Council will be introducing a charge for the collection of garden waste.

The current cost of providing the service free for all 61,386 properties in the district is £1,152,525 a year.

The introduction of a charge is part of a package of measures to offset a cut in funding from central Government.

Householders who pay to have their garden waste taken away will be issued with a non-transferable permit to attach to their green bin.

Householders who choose not to take part in the scheme have the choice of home composting or taking their garden waste to a Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Warwickshire County Council offer discounted home composting bins on their website: Composting - Warwickshire County Council

Food waste will still be collected on recycling collection weeks, even if you don't subscribe to the garden waste service using a food waste caddy.  Free food waste caddies are available on request by calling 01789 260628 or emailing:


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 17/02/2021