Continued support for people facing hardship in Warwickshire

This article is 4 years old

Press Release

Published on 12 March 2021
Archived on 12 April 2021

Warwickshire County Council continues to support families and individuals experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, poverty during the pandemic.

A total of 14,816 supermarket vouchers were issued ahead of February half term directly to families with children eligible for benefits related free school meals. This follows similar support during the Christmas break and this group will be helped again when schools close for Easter.

The vouchers were distributed via Warwickshire County Council's Local Welfare Scheme using its allocation of the COVID Winter Grant Scheme from the Government's Department for Work and Pensions.

This is only part of the offer available from the Local Welfare Scheme which?is there for the county's?most vulnerable residents at times of unavoidable crisis when they have no other means of help. ?The scheme provides financial support and advice for people to meet the costs of?food, energy and other essentials.??

It also signposts to further support available from other public, community and voluntary services around the county.?This includes debt and money management advice, family information and support,?and?putting people in touch with?local?emotional health and wellbeing services.?

People can contact the?Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme?team?on?01926?359182 or 0800 408 1448?or visit?

For information about wider support?from the council and other services, go to:??


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 12/03/2021