Poll cards issued for local elections

This article is 4 years old

Press Release

Published on 29 March 2021
Archived on 29 April 2021

Local elections take place for Warwickshire County Council, The Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner and four *Neighbourhood Plan Referendums on Thursday 6 May 2021 and poll cards notifying residents of these elections are being sent out this week.

The poll cards inform residents across Stratford-on-Avon District where their polling station is and when they can vote, from 7am until 10pm.

It's important to make a note of your polling station as some venues have been changed due to the COVID-19 safety measures that have been put in place this year.

Nevertheless, as in previous years, voters have a range of options for casting their ballot - in person, by post or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their place, known as a proxy vote.

For those who choose to vote in person, polling stations will be safe places to vote on 6 May.  There will be a number of measures that residents have become used to over recent months in shops and banks, such as social distancing, screens, hand sanitiser and face coverings.

To be able to vote at these elections residents must either be on the electoral register or have applied to be so by Monday 19 April.  Please contact Stratford District Council's Elections Office on 01789 260208 to check you are on the electoral register at your current address.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 20 April, and for a proxy vote the deadline is 5pm on 27 April.

For information on how to register to vote, or how to apply to vote by post or by proxy, voters can visit www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voter.

For all elections enquiries please contact Stratford District Council's elections office on 01789 260208.

* The four Neighbourhood Plan Referendums are to be held in Alcester, Clifford Chambers & Milcote, Ilmington and Napton-on-the-Hill.

Electoral Registration moved from Household registration to individual registration in June 2014. People who are not registered to vote can do so on-line by going to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 29/03/2021