Funding opportunity for local groups to support mental health and wellbeing

This article is 4 years old

Press Release

Published on 28 May 2021
Archived on 28 June 2021

Warwickshire County Council is inviting community and voluntary groups and small businesses to apply for funding to develop initiatives to support the wellbeing of local people whose lives have been affected by COVID-19.

The Warwickshire COVID-19 Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Fund, opened on 21 May, and has been set up to improve mental health and wellbeing across Warwickshire. Voluntary groups, town and parish councils, as well as workplaces which do not have access to an employee assistance programme, are encouraged to find out more.

The council is looking for applications from projects and initiatives that aim to:

  • Improve the mental health, wellbeing, and resilience of residents and local workforces by responding to the pressures of the pandemic.
  • Provide support to residents with new and pre-existing mental health concerns that have been exacerbated due to the pandemic, mental health illness from a COVID-19 diagnosis, or providing support for those with needs as a result of the pandemic.
  • Provide support for residents to engage with activities which support the development of wellbeing and establish a sense of social connection.
  • Create safe spaces in the community where people who experience mental distress can go to for a period to unwind and feel safe before they continue with their activities.
  • Create environments where people can reconnect with nature and enhance their sense of wellbeing.
  • Support specific trauma, suicide, self-harm prevention and bereavement services.
  • Work in partnership with people with lived experience to design and deliver support.

Interested groups can put in bids from £6,000 to a maximum of £50,000 per initiative and must identify how the funding will be used and the solutions it will provide to local people. The first round of funding runs between Friday 21 May 2021 to 21 June 2021. A second round may be available if not all funding is allocated in the first round.

Nigel Minns, Strategic Director for People Directorate, said: "So many lives have been disrupted by the pandemic and relationships and mental health have been profoundly impacted. The council is committed to helping people to be as safe, healthy and independent as possible. Encouraging people to look after their mental health and build resilience is key to this - now more than ever.

"It is important for the county to work together to provide much needed support when and importantly where it is needed. We have developed the Warwickshire Mental Health and Wellbeing Resilience Fund to do just this by providing the means for local groups to find solutions to support members of their own communities. I urge groups to apply and share their ideas so collectively we can improve wellbeing for all, for life, and embed some hope for a brighter future."

The online application opened on Friday 21 May and closes at 12noon on Monday 21 June.

Organisations are asked to submit an application online via Once the application is live it can be viewed under 'Tenders' as WCC - Improve Mental Health, Wellbeing and Resilience across Warwickshire Funding Opportunity.

Application support

Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action (WCAVA) can provide free support to voluntary and community groups and social enterprises with the application process. Contact Tracy Southam, Mid Area Manager if you require advice or support.

Support from WCC Skills Hub is also available to help support small to medium businesses with the application process. There is no cost for this support. Please contact Business Skills Support Advisor if you require advice or support.

For more information visit

For more on wellbeing in Warwickshire, Warwickshire and Coventry's Wellbeing For Life campaign is committed to supporting people to maintain physically and mentally healthy lifestyles. Go to for more information about this campaign.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 28/05/2021