Cabinet agree parking changes

This article is 4 years old

Press Release

Published on 7 June 2021
Archived on 7 July 2021

On Monday 7 June, Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet agreed new car parking proposals for Stratford-upon-Avon.

In February, the District Council carried out two public consultation exercises - one for the concessionary permit holders only and one for the general public on the other proposed changes to the parking charges.

Based on the consultation results, the following will be introduced later this year (subject to a statutory six-week consultation period for the increased charges):

  • Remove the 0ver 65s concessionary £10 permit.
  • Introduce charging and blue badge provision at Fisherman's Car Park in Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • Increase the motorhome charges at Stratford Leisure Centre Coach & Lorry Park from £2 to £10 (overnight), from £10 to £20 (24 hours) and from £20 to £30 (72 hours), with a maximum stay of 72 hours and no return within 72 hours.
  • Introduce two hours maximum stays at The Greig Leisure Centre Car Park and Shipston Leisure Centre Car Park between 7am and 6pm, to eliminate the use of the car parks by non-leisure centre users.

Cllr Ian Shenton, Climate Change Portfolio says: "This has been an extensive and comprehensive consultation process and has allowed residents and interested parties the chance to shape the final recommendations.  The survey included a free text/comments box that allowed for any further thoughts and comments to be made which were then analysed with the survey into themes.

"It is clear that the final recommendations take account of the survey and the comments and whilst no survey is perfect, and the results and conclusions drawn will not please everyone, I am, nevertheless, content that the recommendations and the subsequent approval by the Cabinet is fair and equitable.

"In particular, the decision benefits the users of the leisure centres, whilst Motorhome visitors to Stratford generally agreed that a fair charge would be £10 for an overnight stay and I hope that we will continue to see more visitors.  Being able to charge for using the Fisherman's car park is a consistent approach to parking is Stratford generally.

"The over 65 permits have been reducing in popularity over the last two years having fallen by approximately 40% and, based on the survey, would continue to fall if we increased the charge to a level that would have been consistent with the very few authorities that even offered such  permit of this type.

"My view is that removing the permit, now, is the right course of action to take due to a number of factors, but principally because it is fairer and more equitable to approximately 99% of residents who either do not qualify for this permit or who have chosen not to buy it.

"As I said earlier, this decision will not please everyone and that is regrettable but we have to make decisions based on what is fair to the majority of residents and it is clear from social media and the survey itself that this is the right decision."

The online survey was open for completion from Monday 15 February to Friday 26 March 2021. The Council received 567 responses, of which 551 were completed online, 13 via paper copy and 3 via email.

A summary of the results is as follows:

    • Fisherman's Car Park
      The majority of respondents stated that they either use the car park less than monthly or they never use it (67% in total). Most respondents stated that they stayed for more than six hours than any other length of stay.

    • Motorhomes - Stratford Leisure Centre Coach & Lorry Park
      The vast majority of respondents stated that they would not park overnight if a £20 charge was introduced (99% in total).

    • Stratford Leisure Centre Parking Permits
      The majority of respondents stated that their average length of stay in the car park is three hours or more (61% in total) and 53% use it for non-leisure centre reasons.

    • The Greig Leisure Centre Car Park
      The majority of respondents stated that their average length of stay in the car park is three hours or more (43% in total) and 58% use it for non-leisure centre reasons.

    • Shipston Leisure Centre Car Park
      The majority of respondents stated that their average length of stay in the car park is three hours or more (46% in total) and 58% use it for non-leisure centre reasons.

      Consultation Results (Concessionary Permit)

      • All 1,537 concessionary permit holders were written to directly, inviting them to complete a short questionnaire. The survey period ran from Friday 19 February to Tuesday 30 March 2021. The Council received 1,004 responses (a response rate of 65.3%).

      • One of the key messages from the consultation is that a majority of respondents who answered the question (52% to 48%) favour abolishing the permit rather than increasing the charge to £150 a year.

      • Of those completing the questionnaire, 37% indicated that they had a long-standing illness, disability or infirmity, and as such, would possibly qualify for a blue badge which allows for free parking.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 08/06/2021