Leader and Cabinet for Stratford-on-Avon District Council

This article is 3 years old

Press Release

Published on 19 May 2021
Archived on 19 June 2021

Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet for the new municipal year was agreed at the Annual Council meeting on Wednesday 19 May.

  • Strategic Leadership - Cllr Tony Jefferson
  • Place & Economy - Cllr Daren Pemberton
  • Resources - Cllr Trevor Harvey
  • Transformation - Cllr Mark Cargill
  • Climate Change - Cllr Ian Shenton
  • Homes, Health & Wellbeing - Cllr Jo Barker
  • Culture, Tourism & Leisure - Cllr Matt Jennings
  • Planning - Cllr Anne Parry
  • Community Protection - Cllr Christopher Kettle

Cllr Tony Jefferson, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: "Following the decisions that were made by our Cabinet and the Executive at Warwick District Council, we have now aligned the portfolios for the new municipal year, reflecting the joint working between ourselves and Warwick District Council. These changes will enable us to better deliver a more effective operation, synergies and cost savings.  As well as progressing the joint working with Warwick our other priorities remain focused on our COVID-recovery plans and the significant challenges we face in a time of very considerable uncertainty"

Document - 0059%20Cabinet%20Structure%2019MAY21.pdf

Chairman - Cllr Edward Fitter (Quinton)

Vice- Chairman - Cllr Tony Dixon (Tanworth-in-Arden)

Portfolio details

Leader - Strategic Leadership - Cllr Tony Jefferson (Welcombe Ward) 

  • Corporate Policy
  • Partnerships
  • Governance

Deputy Leader - Place & Economy - Cllr Daren Pemberton (Bidford East Ward) 

  • Economic Development & Inward Investment
  • Regeneration
  • Planning Policy
  • Physical Infrastructure - transport, energy, etc.

Resources - Cllr Trevor Harvey (Shipston North Ward) 

  • Budget & Finance
  • Audit & Risk
  • Procurement

Transformation - Cllr Mark Cargill (Alcester and Rural Ward) 

  • Programme Management - working together
  • Digital and ICT
  • Broadband delivery
  • Digital Infrastructure
  • Communications
  • Human Resources
  • Health & Safety

Climate Change - Cllr Ian Shenton (Wootton Wawen Ward)

  • Climate Change
  • Public Conveniences
  • Car Parking
  • Green Spaces - Development
  • Bereavement Services
  • Contracted Services (Refuse & Recycling, Street Cleansing, Grounds Maintenance)

Homes, Health & Wellbeing - Cllr Jo Barker (Shipston South Ward) 

  • Housing Landlord
  • Homelessness
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Private Sector Housing
  • Travellers
  • Development Programme (Local Housing Company and Joint Venture)
  • Asset Management
  • Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services

Culture, Tourism & Leisure - Cllr Matt Jennings (Henley-in-Arden Ward) 

  • Culture
  • Tourism
  • Events & Markets
  • Leisure 

Planning - Cllr Anne Parry (Wellesbourne East Ward) 

  • Building Control
  • Development Management
  • Land Charges
  • Planning Enforcement

Community Protection - Cllr Christopher Kettle (Bishop's Itchington Ward)

  • Environmental Health incl. Licencing
  • Community Leadership, Forums & VCS
  • Safeguarding, Community Safety and CCTV
  • Emergency Planning
  • Parish Champion

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 19/05/2021