Changes to Cabinet

This article is 3 years old

Press Release

Published on 1 September 2022
Archived on 30 September 2022

Cllr Sarah Whalley-Hoggins (Brailes and Compton Ward) is standing down by mutual agreement from Stratford District Council's Cabinet as Environment and Climate Change Portfolio Holder. She replaced Cllr Ian Shenton on at the beginning of August.

A key part of Cllr Whalley-Hoggins' important role has been to provide vital support to officers and residents following the new 1-2-3+ waste collection service which commenced on 1st August. The launch of this new service has been a very large and complex undertaking and has not been without quite understandable challenges.

Commenting, Cllr Tony Jefferson the Leader of Stratford District Council said: "Cllr Whalley-Hoggins is a very hard-working Councillor in her approach to district matters. She has a very clear 'problem-solving' approach and wants to be fully involved. However, the role of a portfolio holder is not one that gets involved in the detailed operational day-to-day running of Council services. Consequently, this Cabinet position was not as hands on as she had anticipated, so I could understand her frustrations at not being able to operate in her preferred style.

"Rather than have a situation which was causing obvious tensions, not least for Cllr Whalley-Hoggins herself, we came to a mutual understanding that the best option would be for her to stand down as portfolio holder.

"This is not an outcome that was anticipated, but it feels like a mature and right decision.  Cllr Whalley-Hoggins can now continue to focus her energy and attention on serving residents across her large rural ward."

Cllr Jefferson added: "Our grateful thanks are extended to Cllr Whalley-Hoggins for her contribution and enthusiasm during the challenging roll-out of the new waste contract last month."

Councillor Bill Fleming has been appointed Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change.

Cllr Tony Jefferson said: "I am pleased to welcome Bill to Cabinet, and I am sure he will swiftly get to grips with his challenging portfolio."

New Cabinet

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 31/08/2022