Roll up, Roll up - 2017 Stratford Mop Fair

This article is 8 years old

Press Release

Published on 2 October 2017
Archived on 2 November 2017

The 2017 annual Mop Fair in Stratford-upon-Avon takes place on Wednesday 11 October and Thursday 12 October. 

The Charity Mop is on Wednesday 11 October from 4pm until 11pm.  The Main Mop is on Thursday 12 October from 11am until midnight and will be formally opened by The Chairman of Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Cllr George Atkinson. 

This Mop Fair has a tradition of exciting and-up-date rides, as well as maintaining loyal old-fashioned rides and begins with the main procession and the traditional charity Pig Roast Auction. 

The Golden Carousel will also be in Rother Street again this year.

Stratford-upon-Avon Scouts will be having a pig roast on both the 11 and 12 October, this year at the end of Waterside / bottom of Bridge Street.  The Charity Auction will be as normal on 12 October.  

The Mop has an historic tradition. The original Charter was granted by Edward VI on 28 June 1544 and its part of what makes Stratford-upon-Avon unique. 

As well as the usual attractions of the thrill rides, ghost train and stalls, the 127 year old Golden Carousel is also returning to Stratford for a third year.   The fair is also renowned for the open roasting of pigs and the atmosphere remains at a premium right up until its midnight closure.

Stratford-on-Avon Mop Fair has its origins in hiring agricultural and domestic labour, set out some time during the reign of Edward III and provision of the statutes of labourers. The date is set for 12 October (or is moved if the 12th October falls on a Sunday), and as a pleasure fair it remains a key date in the Warwickshire calendar. In the 1950s, during the prominence of railway travel, a plethora of special trains were laid on to ferry the local population to and from the fair.

Stratford Mop has an associated 'runaway mop' one week later taking place on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October. This tradition derived from the need for employers to reconsider and re-hire any staff before committing to a full years work.

The District Council is very grateful for local people and businesses assistance and co-operation in making the operation of the Mop as trouble free as possible.    

Stratford-upon-Avon Road Closures  

To accommodate the Mop the following streets in Stratford-upon-Avon will be closed from 5am on Wednesday 11 October until 7.30am on Friday 13 October:

Greenhill Street
Rother Street (from Ely Street)
Wood Street
Union Street
Bridge Street
Windsor Street (from Mansell Street)
Meer Street
Henley Street
High Street  

This year's runaway Mop will take place in the town centre on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October. 

The following streets will be closed from 5am on Thursday 20 October until 6am on Saturday 21 October:  

Greenhill Street
Rother Street (from Ely Street)
Wood Street
Windsor Street (from Mansell Street)
Meer Street  

The District Council appreciates these closures of town centre streets can cause problems with access for vehicles and parking during this time, but the road closures will be strictly enforced. 

For more information on the Stratford Mop please visit the Stratford Mop Facebook page

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 06/10/2017