Council Tax level for Stratford District  

This article is 7 years old

Press Release

Published on 26 February 2018
Archived on 10 May 2018

Stratford-on-Avon District Councillors have set the district element of the council tax at a full meeting of the Council on Monday 26 February.

The District Council has agreed a modest increase in the Council's share of the council tax to help cover the continuing fall in Government funding given to the District Council.

The amount residents will be asked to pay will rise by 1% a year for a band D property to £137.07 - much less than the recommended amount and a third of the rate of inflation (CPI of 3%), equating to an increase of less than 3p a week.

This means that all the services provided by the District Council cost £2.64 a week for a Band D household for a wide range of services including recycling and waste collection, planning, street cleaning, housing, housing benefits, leisure services and children's play areas.  

The council tax from Stratford-on-Avon District Council for residents for each of the valuation bands is:  

A        £91.38                        
B        £106.61                  
C        £121.84                                              
D        £137.07                     
E        £167.53                
F        £197.99
G        £228.45                      
H        £274.14  

Also announced at the Council meeting was budget provision for:  

*       Support for homelessness - with an additional £162K for B&B provision and £56k to prevent homelessness  through implementation of the Homelessness Act 2017 including additional capacity for the Citizens Advice Bureau

*       Economic Development priorities - £100k support towards an Economic Development Strategy and an additional £78k for the Planning Policy Unit

*       £37K for extra security measures at public events

*       £50K for investigations into providing broadband for hard to reach areas in the district

*       £50K for the preparations for Compulsory Purchase Order of Priory Square, Studley - adoption of Lib Dem proposal

*       £25K for the celebration of the centenary of WW1 armistice in November 2018      

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of the Council says: "This budget has been set against a background of predictable revenue streams, set by our four year agreement with the Government, but again we need to pay regards to the longer term scenario to create a sustainable way forward.  Our reserves have been built up over a number of years within the financial strategy and reflect our prudent and sound financial management, in anticipation of the challenging times ahead when all future Central Government funding will cease.

"The priorities which have been identified by the public from our Citizen's Panel budget consultation, have been reflected in our budget proposals for the prevention of homelessness, future economic development work and additional security measures for public events.  There is also budget provision for broadband for hard to reach areas in our district, thanks to an improved final Government settlement and for the celebration of the centenary of WW1.  And in a show of cross-party support we are also adopting a Lib Dem proposal to help facilitate the CPO of Priory Square in Studley.

"This budget represents a responsible way forward without compromising the future income to the Council or putting forward profligate spending plans.  Our important services are protected, maintaining the quality expected of us, and our spending is responding to the priorities supported by residents."

Council Tax Resolution 2018/19
Total Band D Council Tax  

  2017/18 2018/19 % Increase / (decrease) % of the Council Tax

Stratford-on-Avon District Council

£135.71 £137.07 1.00% 7.8%
Warwickshire County Council

£1,298.88 £1,363.68 4.99% 77.3%
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner

£191.98 £203.98 6.25% 11.5%

£1,626.57 £1,704.73 4.81% 96.6%
Town and Parish Councils (average)

£58.35 £59.23 1.51% 3.4%

£1,684.92 £1,763.96  4.69%  100.0%         



Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 10/05/2018