A District fit for the future

This article is 7 years old

Press Release

Published on 16 October 2017
Archived on 16 November 2017

Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Full Council has today. Monday 16 October, approved a vital strategic report outlining the future direction of the District Council, approved earlier in the day by the District Council's Cabinet.  

Full Council approved the following:

A new vision: "Stratford-on-Avon District Council will develop 'A District fit for our Future'" which is supported by three key objectives:
Contribute towards a flourishing local economy, enhancing our environment and infrastructure.
Promote healthy, safe and strong communities and individuals.
Be an efficient Council that works closely with partners.

A Strategy for Stakeholder Engagement.
The findings from individual work streams to provide guidance for the Council's Policy and Budget Framework.
The delivery mechanism for the District Council's Transformation Programme.

This report is the culmination of a significant amount of work at the District Council over the last 17 months and was an opportunity for the District Council to look at the current service provision and determine the future direction of the Council.  

The District Council is facing unprecedented financial pressures with all Government funding removed in 2 years time (2019/20).  The Strategic Review was undertaken to ensure the District Council can remain financially sustainable for the next 10 years.  

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: "The uncertain financial future, compounded by the lack of any proposed finance bill makes it imperative for the Council to seize this opportunity to move towards a position of self sustainability. The current level of reserves provides a basis for the Council to look realistically at potential investment projects which will enhance its income streams.  

"To date the Strategic Review exercise has identified £108,000 of recurring savings, which were implemented in this year's budget. Recommendations from the five Work Streams have identified areas where further reductions in expenditure or additional income could be identified to support the Council's budget. These recommendations will be used to determine the budget proposals for next year.  

"A positive outcome from this review is the improved engagement with our stakeholders.  We know we need to work smarter with partners to be able to achieve our priorities together for the benefit of our District residents.  We are now working more closely with them on a regular basis."  

Strategic Review Report main findings include:

Looking at the ways of working at the District Council

  • Increase homeworking and flexible working by using new and existing technologies.
  • Occupy less space office and generate further income, with the possibility of pursuing shared service/alternative delivery options.

    Policy Decisions
    Identification of Strategic Projects - Upper Avon Navigation - Studley Enterprise Centre - Wellesbourne Innovation Campus - Priory Square Regeneration, Studley.
    Creation of an Economic Development Strategy.
    Organisational Development Strategy.
    More innovative use of reserves.
    Options in relation to Council Tax to be considered alongside the budget.

    Stakeholder Engagement
    The Peer Challenge identified that SDC were working in a complex geography.
    Identify, prioritise and group key stakeholders:
    Infrastructure and development
    Culture and Tourism
    Jobs and skills
    Business and Enterprise
    Health and Wellbeing  

    Next Steps - The Head of Infrastructure and Transformation will be responsible for the development of the Transformation Programme's governance and delivery model. Ends

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 16/10/2017