Press Release
Published on 13 January 2025
Archived on 13 February 2025
Here are the decisions from the Stratford-on-Avon District Council Cabinet meeting on Monday 13 January, which included the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan - Monitoring Report, Shipston Leisure Centre Solar Panel Match Funding, Approval of Procurement and Permission to Tender - Community Builder 3 Project, Capital Budget Monitoring Period 1 - 8 2024/2025, Revenue Budget Monitoring Period 1 - 8, Revenue and Capital Budget 2025/2026.
Stratford on Avon District Council's Cabinet has approved the position in relation to the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan Monitoring Report. Following the CPC review, which was conducted in March 2024, the Council received the feedback report on 15 May 2024. The feedback was generally very positive and at the start of the Executive Summary the report makes the conclusion: Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC) is well-run, recognises its challenges and is ambitious for the future of the District. There is much to be proud of in how the Council is delivering for the communities of this large and diverse area. Significant progress has been made against the delivery of each of the 10 recommendations - 90% have already been achieved or partially achieved.
Stratford on Avon District Council's Cabinet has approved £170,000 be allocated from the Council's Climate Change Reserve to act as a contingency in support of the grant award of £135,000 from the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund, enabling solar Photo Voltaic (PV) panels to be installed on the roof at Shipston Leisure Centre. The carbon footprint of the Council for the 2022/23 emissions reporting year was 3,418 tonnes of CO2e. Gas and electricity use in leisure centres was responsible for 1,165 tonnes of CO2e, representing 34% of the Council's overall carbon footprint.
Stratford on Avon District Council's Cabinet has approved the use of a small underspend to deliver an existing Growing Opportunities Plan action. It seeks to enhance the delivery of community development work in a further community where residents are experiencing social exclusion. This will fund a community builder for an additional locality to enhance the delivery of community development work in a community where residents are experiencing social exclusion.
Stratford on Avon District Council's Cabinet has approved the report which provides with details of the Capital Budget Monitoring for the period 1 - 8 (1 April 2024 to 30 November 2024). Table 1 summarises the Council's estimated position with regard to accumulated capital receipts:
Accumulated capital receipts and capital grants as at 1 April 2024 |
£6,226,768 |
Less budgeted expenditure for 2024/25 |
(8,007,035) |
Plus new funds and financing in 2024/25 |
£7,802,035 |
Plus budgeted Capital Financing Movement |
£205,000 |
Accumulated estimated capital receipts and capital grants as at 31 March 2025 |
£6,226,768 |
Stratford on Avon District Council's Cabinet has been updated on the position of the Council's revenue expenditure and income as at Period 8 (30 November 2024) together with an estimated net outturn position for each service for 2024/25. The report is a high-level summary which identifies variances at service level. The Period 8 position has been used as the base to which further known and estimated income and expenditure items have been applied to arrive at an estimated outturn position.
Stratford on Avon District Council's Cabinet has been updated on the report that sets out the background, assumptions, and proposals forming the Council's draft revenue and capital budgets for 2025/26 to 2029/30 to enable consultation with the public, local businesses, stakeholders and elected Members. Following consultation, the budget will be considered by The Cabinet at its meeting scheduled for 10 February 2025 prior to the final budget decision by Council on 24 February 2025.
The full agenda for the Cabinet meeting and the webcast can be found here.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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