Unique collaboration helping the environment and tackling climate and biodiversity emergencies


Published on 20 March 2025

Nearly 200 landowners and farmers along with 130 community groups have benefited from a unique collaboration to plant a wide variety of trees throughout the West Midlands.

TCAP community planting day with Folly Fields Biodiversity Project

The Trees Call for Action Project (TCAP) has planted 275,182 trees throughout the West Midlands after providing support to communities, landowners, and partners through all aspects of tree planting and maintenance including identifying suitable locations and funding.

TCAP was launched by the Heart of England Forest in partnership with Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Warwick District Council and Wychavon District Council in 2022, thanks to a grant of £499,446 from the Trees Call to Action Fund

The fund was developed by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) in partnership with the Forestry Commission and was delivered by the Heritage Fund.

Woodland packs including hazel, oak, silver birch and rowan trees and hedgerow packs including crab apple, hazel and wayfaring trees have been planted in community parks, shared spaces and greens in Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, and Wychavon over the last three years.

TCAP supported 145 groups to help with orders, communications and logistics alongside Warwickshire Wildlife Trust as part of the Free Trees for Farmers initiative.

The initiative was also supported by Stratford-on-Avon District Council, leading to 41,734 trees being planted in the District.

This involved providing planting advice and support, planning and designing woodland spaces, ongoing maintenance advice, training in woodland skills such as hedge laying, and finding suitable funding opportunities.

Throughout the Warwick District Council area, Free Trees for Farmers led to 27,721 trees being planted - a 94.5 per cent increase in the 2025 planting season compared to 2022.

TCAP also helped to introduce the Trees in the Landscape project which supported communities and landowners to improve their land and increase connectivity throughout the Wychavon District Council area.

The focus was on restoring, expanding, and improving the health of Wychavon's orchards which led to 13,742 trees being planted. TCAP handed out 344 fruit trees made up of 37 different varieties of apples, pears, and soft fruit.

Overall, there was a 321 per cent increase in planting rates in year three compared to the first year.

Heather Acton, Chair of the Heart of England Forest, said this had been a unique way of working with Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Warwick District Council and Wychavon District Council; "This project provided support and advice to enable community groups, parish councils, landowners and farmers to access grants to plant trees and run workshops for ongoing maintenance.

"It has been fantastic to raise the awareness of the benefits of trees in our landscapes and offer vital support throughout the project area."

Andy Parsons, Chief Executive of the Heart of England Forest, said "It is important the right trees are planted in the right places to give the trees the best chance to succeed in the right soil types.

"The project raised awareness of the benefits of trees and bridging the gap so that people were able to find out where they could plant trees and the funding that was available.

"It will be a few years before there is a noticeable difference in the landscape apart from the hedgerows where it is immediate to see the closing up, so there is already a visual impact.

Cllr Susan Juned, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council, said: "The planting and restoration of trees is an effective natural solution for combating climate change and restoring biodiversity. Woodlands are of real benefit to both people and nature, as well as locking up carbon. I am really pleased that we have been able to work together with the Heart of England Forest to support this free trees for farmers initiative over the last three years and support farmers with their tree planting ambitions.

"It was hugely popular with so many taking up the offer, which shows farmers across the District sharing our commitment to making Stratford-on-Avon District a greener place to live and work and how important it is to keep it looking its best, which includes having plenty of healthy trees."

Councillor Will Roberts, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood at Warwick District Council, added: "Our Council is very pleased to have played an integral part in this project, which has been a real boost to our tree planting ambitions helping to improve biodiversity, provide new habitats for wildlife and increasing carbon capture as well as assisting members of our farming community and other local groups. We hope that we can reap the long-term benefits."

Cllr Beverley Hardman, Wychavon's Executive Board Member for Boosting Natural Capital, said: "This project is a fantastic example of what can be achieved when we work together. The thousands of new trees planted are boosting biodiversity and supporting the fight against climate change.

"I'm particularly delighted the project has also been able to restore the Martin Nonpareil apple back to the village of Martin Hussingtree, where it was first discovered in 1795, for future generations to enjoy."

The project will conclude on 31st March, but from 1st April, new resources will be available at www.heartofenglandforest.org/trees-call-action-project to continue supporting communities, farmers, and landowners with tree planting, building on the success and momentum of everything achieved.


About The Heart of England Forest

We are helping to reverse centuries of woodland decline by creating and conserving a huge broadleaf forest, a place of enduring natural beauty, protected and secured for generations to come.

More than just trees; the Forest is home to an incredible array of habitats, including new tree planting, mature and ancient woodland, grassland, heathland, farmland, and wetland, that enable animals, plants, and people to thrive. 

Our work creating biodiverse habitats that support not just wildlife, but human life, will give us all the best chance of adapting to our changing climate.

To learn more visit www.heartofenglandforest.org


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 20/03/2025