Stratford-on-Avon District Council supports Devolution Notice of Motion


Published on 12 February 2025

On Monday 10 February, Stratford-on-Avon District Council held an Extraordinary Full Council meeting to discuss the implications for the Council from Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation arising from the recent government white paper.

There were a number of invited speakers and those that attended in person and addressed the Council included Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council; Councillor Ian Davison, Leader of Warwick District Council and Elisabeth Uggerloese, Chair of Stratford-on-Avon District Area Meeting for Town and Parish Councils.

Statements from the two local MPs, Manuela Perteghella for Stratford-on-Avon and Sir Jeremy Wright for Kenilworth & Southam were also read out and also a statement from Ja'Neen Day, Chief Executive Officer, Warwickshire and West Midlands Association of Local Councils.

Following a two-and-a-half-hour debate the Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Juned and seconded by Councillor Cowcher was approved by Full Council.

The Notice of Motion was as follows: 

That this Council notes the publication of the English Devolution White Paper and recognises that Local Government Devolution and Reform could offer considerable opportunity if we agree to work collaboratively with those within our ceremonial and economic geographies to establish the right deal for our local populations.

That this Council notes with regret the Decision of the Leader of WCC to request that the WCC elections are delayed for a year and endorses the joint letter from the Leaders of this Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council, and Warwick District Council in response.

That Council will ensure that all Councillors are involved with working with all Councils (County District/Boroughs, Towns and Parishes) across Warwickshire to look at the options for appropriate service delivery models for unitary status, taking into account the views of residents, this must consider:

  1. Protecting the level of services and associated assets currently delivered to the community of Stratford-on-Avon District by this Council
  2. The geography, population and economic and community footprint of Warwickshire
  3. A realistic evaluation of the potential savings which could be delivered
  4. Warwickshire's relationships with its neighbours
  5. Views on which strategic authority the Council would be best to look at aligning with.

Cllr Susan Juned, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council said: "What the Notice of Motion was seeking to do was to the enable officers to properly and legitimately engage and continue to engage with all political groups, neighbouring Councils and Warwickshire County Council to find the best solution for residents.

"Councils are not just service delivery bodies, they help shape communities, they are an essential part of a healthy local democracy, and it works best if there is a local community identity and that's what we must work to."

The Notice of Motion was taken as three separate resolutions with three separate votes taken and supported by Full Council.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 12/02/2025