Planning Notice - 26 July


Published on 26 July 2024
Archived on 26 August 2024


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:

Application No. (Conservation Area) Details
  • 24/01431/FUL Erection of two agricultural buildings for the storage of hay/grain, machinery and general purpose 
    and addition of an access track at Curlieu Lodge Curlieu Lane Norton Lindsey Warwickshire CV35 8JR for Mr Andrew Evans
  • 24/01377/LBC Repairs to the wooden beams at the front of the property, where the pitting has been allowing water to 
    ingress at 26 Warwick Road Southam CV47 0HN for Mr Michael Irvine
  • 24/01447/FUL Resubmission of 15/04359/FUL (full application for the change of use from agricultural to domestic, demolition of a barn, and erection of a single dwelling and car/port/garage), to exclude widening of Heath Lane from junction to existing access for Pound Green House at Pound Green Lighthorne Warwick CV35 0AX for Mr & Mrs J Cole
  • 24/01594/FUL Installation of rooftop solar panels on existing gallery extension, office building extension and grounds 
    maintenance workshop at Compton Verney Mansion, Compton Verney, Warwick CV35 9HZ for CVH Solar
  • 24/01704/LBC Installation of rooftop solar panels on existing gallery extension, office building extension and grounds 
    maintenance workshop at Compton Verney Mansion, Compton Verney, Warwick CV35 9HZ for CVH Solar
  • 24/01657/FUL Creation of new pedestrian entrance to property at 11 Mayfield Avenue, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6XB for Mr Geraldine Silvers
  • 24/01554/FUL Small rear extension at West Meadow Barn, Manor Court, Henley Road, Great Alne, Alcester for Mr Ian Millard
  • 24/01521/FUL Replace disused chicken shed with new single storey butchery room at The New Farmhouse, Townsend Farm, Farnborough Road, Radway Warwick for Mr Andrew Douthwaite
  • 24/01555/LBC Small rear extension at West Meadow Barn, Manor Court, Henley Road, Great Alne, Alcester for Mr Ian Millard 
  • 24/01655/FUL Proposed replacement triple garage at Brook End House, Stratford Road, Wootton Wawen, Henley-in-Arden B95 6BE for Mr Gareth Lewis-Jones
  • 24/01299/FUL Demolition of existing cottage and erection of 2 No 4 Bedroom detached dwellings at Pool Cottage Temple End, Harbury, Leamington Spa CV33 9NE for Mr Ian Jordan
  • 24/01366/FUL Garden room at School House, Church Road, Long Itchington, Southam CV47 9PN for Mr Michael Beck (Southam)
  • 24/01380/LBC Proposed insulation of walls, floors and roof at Masons Arms, Aston Cantlow Road, Wilmcote for Mr and Mrs Michael and Alison Vining


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below.

Application No. Details
  • 24/01765/VARY Variation of conditions 1, 3 and 4 - Condition 1 - To update the schedule of approved drawings. 
    Condition 3 - To be amended to enable the additional landscaping works as detailed in the amended landscape plans to 
    be carried out within the first planting season following the issuing of the decision notice. Condition 4 - To be amended 
    to enable the additional landscaping works as detailed in the amended landscape plans to be carried out within the first 
    planting season following the issuing of the decision notice, of planning permission 18/011258/REM dated 12.10.2018 
    at Flogas Direct Ltd Station Works Binton Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9UA for Mr Simon Jones
  • 24/01605/LBC Conversion of existing barn into Holiday Let and associated engineering and preservation works 
    (Resubmission of applications: 24/00389/FUL and 24/00390/LBC) at Alveston Hill Farm Alveston Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7RL for Mr A Gallon
  • 24/01479/VARY Variation of conditions 27 (approved FRA) and 28 (FRA mitigation measures) of planning permission 
    21/03194/FUL (date of decision 21 September 2022) to ensure accordance with the revised FRAAddendum. Original 
    description of development: 'Installation and operation of a renewable energy generating station comprising ground mounted photovoltaic solar arrays and battery-based electricity storage containers together with substation, point of connection mast, switchgear container, inverter/transformer units, site access, internal access tracks, security 
    measures, access gates, other ancillary infrastructure and landscaping and biodiversity enhancements. (Cross boundary 
    application for 44.62ha within Stratford District and 55.5ha within Warwick District under application ref W/21/1801).' at 
    Chesterton Fields Farm Fosse Way Chesterton Leamington Spa CV33 9JY for Mr Daniel Corcoran

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 26/07/2024