District Council's Trim Trail wins TESCO'S Bags of Help initiative

This article is 9 years old


Published on 28 November 2016
Archived on 28 December 2016

Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Hodgson Green Children's Trim Trail project has won a £12,000 grant after finishing top in the in store voting in TESCO'S Bags of Help initiative.

The District Council's project is to help towards the cost of improving an important green space in the local community by installing a trim trail, slide and swing at the green on Hodgsons Road in Stratford-upon-Avon. 

The District Council is already supporting the area with other improvements including marking out a football pitch, repainting the youth shelter and repairing kerbing.

The 8 piece trim trail will include a rope tunnel, stepping logs, a frame, zig zags, climbing nets, balancing beams, wobble walkway and waterlilies balance pods.

Cllr Mike Brain, Community and Technical Services Portfolio says: “This is brilliant news and I would like to thank all those that voted for this project.  Our recent consultation with local residents showed that they would like to see a trim trail in this area as this was their top priority, now with the help of TESCO we can help make this become a reality."

Back in October TESCO customers were invited to help local community groups and good causes across Stratford-upon-Avon bag a share of a £12.5million carrier bag charge fund.
The supermarket teamed up with Groundwork on its Bags of Help initiative, which sees grants of £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 – all raised from the 5p bag levy – being awarded to environmental and greenspace projects across the country. 


Background Information

The bag charge has already raised millions for good causes across England and Wales.

  • 1,248 organisations from Tesco's 416 regions up and down the UK will receive a share of the Bags of Help fund.
  • The initiative is supported by money from the five pence charge levied on single-use carrier bags.
  • More than 2,800 groups up and down the country applied for grants from the scheme. These were whittled down to three in each of Tesco's regions by Tesco colleagues.

For more information please visit: www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp




Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 28/11/2016