New funding available to update old boilers and fight fuel poverty

This article is 8 years old


Published on 13 January 2017
Archived on 13 February 2017

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is working with its partners Act on Energy, an energy advice charity based in the District, and the fuel poverty charity National Energy Action – who are providing funding to replace or introduce a central heating system for households who are struggling to heat their home.

This scheme is delivered as part of the Warm and Well in Warwickshire programme which aims to improve home energy efficiency and help residents keep warm and well during colder weather. This funding is available for low income, private homeowners who have a long term health condition made worse by living in a cold home. Living in a cold home negatively affects dexterity and increases the risk of accidents in the home.

To qualify for financial help, home owners need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • In receipt of means tested benefits or have an income below £16,010 per year.
  • A member of the household has a diagnosed long term health condition such as respiratory or cardiovascular disease. (See full eligibility criteria for a more comprehensive list of conditions.)
  • Have an old and inefficient or broken central heating system or no central heating system in your home

Cllr Robert Vaudry, the District Council's Portfolio Holder for Housing and Infrastructure said: "Many households in our District are thought to have a low income and high energy costs making heating their home more difficult.  By improving the heating system we can make keeping warm more affordable and living conditions more comfortable.  We are working in partnership with a number of organisations to get information to residents who are most in need." 

Jenny Saunders OBE, Chief Executive of NEA said: “This is a new and exciting programme. The evidence base clearly demonstrates that living in a cold home can cause premature death and exacerbate a range of health conditions potentially costing the NHS over £22 billion in the next 15 years. Partnerships funded through this programme will demonstrate how improving the energy efficiency of our housing stock can improve health and well-being".

For more information including full eligibility criteria contact Act on Energy 0800 988 2881. Act on Energy is the local energy advice charity supporting residents for over 18 years.

To confirm your eligibility and register your interest contact Act on Energy 0800 988 2881

Funding is allocated on a first come first served basis and will require a home visit from an energy advisor to evidence householder eligibility.   The scheme will close in March 2017 or sooner if all the funding is allocated before.


  • National Energy Action (NEA) is the national charity which aims to eradicate fuel poverty and campaigns for greater investment in energy efficiency to help those who are poor and vulnerable.
  • For more information on NEA visit:
  • The Warm and Healthy Homes Fund is part of a £26.2 million scheme designed and administered by NEA that will bring affordable warmth to over 6000 fuel poor and vulnerable households in England, Wales and Scotland.
  • More information on fuel poverty is available on the government website – Annual fuel poverty statistics report 2016


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 13/01/2017