New Transport Strategy for Stratford receives WCC Cabinet endorsement

This article is 8 years old


Published on 27 January 2017
Archived on 27 February 2017

Warwickshire County Council's Cabinet on Tuesday 24 January, endorsed the contents of the draft Stratford-upon-Avon Area Transport Strategy and agreed to consult with the public on the contents of the strategy.

The strategy has been prepared jointly by Warwickshire County Council and Stratford District Council. It proposes a range of approaches to ease congestion, reduce traffic in central areas, improve air quality, protect the historic core of the town and improve the opportunities for travel by public transport, by cycle and on foot.

Approaches proposed in the strategy include: supporting the delivery of relief roads to the south and west of Stratford to link the A46 at Wildmoor with the B439 Evesham Road; a new relief road to the east of the town to route through traffic away from Clopton Bridge; revising town centre streets to reduce traffic and improve the environment for pedestrians; focusing long stay parking on out of centre areas and developing the provision of Park and Ride; improving facilities for walking and cycling; improving rail and road connections with key locations, such as supporting the proposals to upgrade the A46 between the M40 and M5 and improving connectivity between Stratford and the proposed HS2 interchange and wider UK Central area.

The public consultation will be launched at a fourth Stratford Traffic Summit hosted by Nadhim Zahawi MP on February 9th 2017 at the Stratford ArtsHouse on Rother Street.

Doors open at 6pm with the meeting scheduled for a 6.15pm start. Those attending will hear about the ideas contained within the strategy and have the opportunity to have their say on the proposals.

People will also be able to view the transport strategy and comment on the contents by visiting Ask Warwickshire ( from Friday 10th February.

The consultation will run until 23rd March 2017.

Previous traffic summits have explored the key transport issues in Stratford-upon-Avon and identified the need to relieve traffic congestion on the Birmingham Road and explore opportunities for a relief road / third river crossing as priorities for action. Updates will be provided at the meeting on progress on both of these work areas.

Cllr Peter Butlin, Deputy Leader of Warwickshire County Council and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, said: “The transport strategy sets out the County and District Councils' proposals for tackling the existing and future transport issues in Stratford. The consultation is an important part of the process of developing the strategy. Our aim is to have a cohesive strategy that is supported by the town's residents and businesses and it is important that the people who live and work in Stratford and who rely on the town's transport system have their say. Once we have an agreed strategy we will then be able to develop the detailed plans for delivering the ideas contained in the strategy."

Cllr Philip Johnson Chair of the council's Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee added: "In preparing the draft strategy we have listened to the views expressed by the public and talked to interest groups and organisations to better understand their concerns and requirements from the transport network. There is a high degree of agreement on what the key issues are, with a primary concern being the increasing level of traffic congestion and the impact future housing and employment growth will have on the town and a transport infrastructure already operating under considerable strain. The strategy sets out our broad proposals for tacking congestion and improving the transport system and town environment for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors."

Cllr Robert Vaudry, Stratford District Council Portfolio Holder for Housing and Infrastructure Projects, said: “We're holding this public consultation to share our proposed improvement ideas for Stratford-upon-Avon and to ask people's views. Our shared vision is for Stratford to be a better place to live, work and visit. Our proposals to improve the transport system in Stratford are wide-ranging and I encourage people to give their views on the ideas."

Commenting on the traffic summit Nadhim Zahawi MP said: “I am pleased that Warwickshire County Council and Stratford District Council have now prepared a draft transport strategy as a consequence of the series of traffic summits I initiated due to high numbers of complaints from constituents regarding congestion in and around Stratford-upon-Avon. I look forward to discussing the draft strategy further with County and District Councillors, to the fourth traffic summit on 9th February, and to seeing real action being delivered on traffic in our town instead of the piecemeal solutions we have become accustomed to."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 27/01/2017