Independent Member Sought for Warwickshire's Police and Crime Panel

This article is 8 years old


Published on 16 January 2017
Archived on 16 February 2017

Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel (PCP) is seeking an experienced person to join the Warwickshire Panel as an independent panel member.

This role will play a crucial part in maintaining the governance and accountability arrangements for policing in Warwickshire. The voluntary position will involve working as part of the panel to support and scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), to ensure that there is an effective and constructive challenge to the PCC, and to act as a voice to represent those who live and work in Warwickshire.

Applicants for the role should not be a Police Officer or member of the PCC's staff, an MP or member of the National Assembly for Wales, Scottish Parliament or European Parliament. They should not be Warwickshire County, District or Borough councillors nor civil servants engaged in political activity. They should be aged 18 or over and either live or work in Warwickshire.

The role requires attendance at all meetings of the panel (approximately six each year) as well as working groups and development sessions. An interest in the key issues of policing and policing priorities is essential and applicants should also have experience of working with people of various ages, religious beliefs and political views.

Although this position is voluntary, reasonable expenses will be paid. The successful candidate will start their four year term as an independent member following the County Council Elections on 4 May 2017.

The position of independent member on the panel has become vacant following the stepping down of the panel's Independent Chair, Mr Robin Verso. Mr Verso said of his time on the Panel:

“I have found the role of independent member of the Panel to be interesting, rewarding and challenging over the last 4 years. As a team, we have questioned the Commissioner consistently on his oversight of the Police and I found many opportunities to contribute to this, always seeking to improve Police services and success in the fight against crime. I had to work very hard to understand Police performance and finances which are essential requirements in my view to enable Panel members to hold the Commissioner to account. But it was worth it!"

Cllr John Horner, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, said:

“The independent members of the Police and Crime Panel are essential to the smooth running of the panel and ensuring that the police and crime commissioner is subject to the right levels of scrutiny and hear the voice of everyone living and working in the County."

Cllr Phillip Johnson, Chair of the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, added:

“I sincerely hope there will be a high level of interest from the Warwickshire public for the really interesting and rewarding role of independent panel member."

Interested parties can download the job pack below:

All completed applications should be returned to Jane Pollard, Warwickshire County Council's Legal Services Manager, at Shire Hall, Warwick, or emailed to no later than noon on Wednesday 8 February 2017.

More information about the Police and Crime Panel is available on the Warwickshire Web: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 16/01/2017