Licensing Panel decision – Union Bar, Stratford-upon-Avon

This article is 8 years old


Published on 22 February 2017
Archived on 22 March 2017

 Union Bar, in Stratford-upon-Avon has had its premises licence suspended for a period of one month, together with a number of other licence conditions.

Members of Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Licensing Panel met on Wednesday 15 February and decided to suspend the premises licence following a review of the licence towards the end of last year.

The premises review*, which led to the licence suspension, followed a visit by Environmental Health and Licensing officers working together from the District Council, who found a number of licensing conditions being breached as well as a locked fire door.

Prior to the review hearing and in an attempted to co-operate and address the concerns raised in the review application and supporting representations, the applicant submitted a Minor Variation application which offered to reduce the terminal licensing hours and add a number of conditions.  

Cllr Susan Adams, Licensing Panel Chair says: “The District Council considers licensing issues seriously as well as public safety and welfare.  Members of the public are entitled to enjoy a night out in a safe environment and that is what the panel is keen to endorse.

“After hearing representations from a number of parties the Licensing Panel was greatly concerned by the scant regard for public safety shown by the management and owners of the premises together with the uncontrolled noise coming from the premises and unqualified and untrained staff, creating a recipe for disaster.

“Whilst the Panel recognised that significant and helpful efforts have been made by the business owner to make changes to the licence and working practices in order to help prevent public nuisance and protect the safety of the public, the panel took the decision to suspend the premises licence for one month."

The District Council's Licensing Panel hope that during this period the owners of the Union Bar will be able to complete and implement the findings of the Fire Assessment; the new Manager, due to start at the beginning of March, will be able to train all staff; an Environmental Protection Officer from the District Council will have been able to set and test a functioning noise limiter, all leading to the venue operating in a safe and proper manner.


Background information

  • * On the 23 December, Stratford-on-Avon District Council, as the Licensing Authority, received an application from Paul Reid, Environmental Protection Officer at the District Council to review the Premises Licence for the Union Bar, 38 Guild Street, Stratford. This was on the grounds that the premises failed to meet the licensing objectives of public nuisance, public safety and crime and disorder.
  • Three other responsible authorities – The District Council's Licensing team, Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire Fire and Rescue and a total of thirteen other persons made representation in support of the review, a number of whom attended the hearing and addressed the panel on 15 February.
  • In addition to the one month suspension the other licence conditions put in place include:
    • Removing the Designated Premises Supervisor for the premises.
    • Reduce the hours that the premises may stay open.
    • Reduce the number of people allowed inside the premises.
    • Place mobile barriers on the footpath outside the premises after 9pm, for better supervision of patrons entering the premises.
    • Amend the licence conditions.

All these licensing objectives and conditions are to promote public safety, prevent public nuisance and prevent crime and disorder.





Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 22/02/2017