Council Tax level for Stratford District

This article is 8 years old


Published on 27 February 2017
Archived on 27 March 2017

Stratford-on-Avon District Councillors have set the district element of the council tax at a full meeting of the Council on Monday 27 February.

This is the second time in 7 years that the District Council has agreed to increase the Council's share of the council tax to help cover the continuing fall in Government funding given to the District Council.

The amount residents will be asked to pay will rise by 2% a year for a band D property to £135.71

This means that all the services provided by the District Council cost £2.61 a week for a Band D household for a wide range of services including recycling and waste collection, planning, street sweeping, housing, housing benefits, leisure services and children's play areas. 

The council tax from Stratford-on-Avon District Council for residents for each of the valuation bands is:


A        £90.47                        

B        £105.55                  

C        £120.63                                              

D        £135.71                     

E        £165.87                

F        £196.03

G        £226.18                      

H        £271.42


Also announced at the Council meeting was budget provision to:


  • Guarantee the future of the Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations, including new partnership with Fuzhou City, China
  • Strengthen the CCTV service
  • Restructure the Planning Development Management team
  • Strengthening the Licensing team
  • Provide additional Housing Advice posts to support those who need it most
  • Cover Bed and Breakfast costs and provide additional temporary accommodation
  • Replace 'old' ICT hardware and renew out of date licences

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of the Council says: “This budget has been set against a background of immediate and potential change in our revenue stream and we need to look at the longer term situation to create a sustainable way forward.

“Due to our sound financial management, we have been rewarded with certainty in our settlement for the next four years and know by 2020 that it will be reduced to zero.  We are suffering a downward adjustment of New Homes Bonus to help fund Adult Social Care.

“Our budget consultations have shown specific areas where the public would like to see service provision increased and this budget reflects those priorities in CCTV and Housing services.  Another area for increased service provision is our Planning service, which is currently receiving the second highest number of planning applications in the country. The extra budgeted income from planning fees will allow us to recruit nine new posts.

“This budget allows the Council to undertake both its statutory duties and those it undertakes by virtue of its Corporate Strategy as well as preserving a justifiable level of reserves."


Background information

The amount the District Council charges council tax payers will increase by 2% which is lower than the 3.7% allowed by Government.
Around 77% of resident's council tax goes to Warwickshire County Council for services such as highways and education. 11% goes to the police, 3% to parish councils, with the remaining 8% for District Council services.

The County Council's share will increase by £49.86 to £1,298.88 and the police share will be frozen at £191.98. 

Including the county council and police share of the council tax, the average amount payable for a band D property in Stratford District will be £1,684.92.



Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 27/02/2017