Planning Notice - 9 February

This article is 7 years old


Published on 9 February 2018
Archived on 6 March 2018


THE PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS & CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 1990 (LBAD1)   Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below Application No. (Conservation Area) Details

18/00135/VARY Variation of condition no. 2 of planning permission reference 17/03134/FUL to allow the addition of a car port and utility area.

Original description of development: Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of replacement dwelling at The Lares,  Banbury Road, Ladbroke, CV47 2DA  for Mr And Mrs John Bicknell  

18/00163/FUL Construction of front and rear dormer windows and demolition of existing brick chimney at The Raike, Lower Green, Ilmington  for Mrs Sarah White  

18/00216/FUL Proposed extension to form single garage with lean-to roof and storage at Upper Farm, Church Lane, Whatcote, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 5EF for Mr And Mrs C And I Holmes

17/03686/LBC Demolition of existing timber lean-to and erection of single storey frameless glass garden room with pitched roof, retaining existing courtyard walls & openings; conversion of existing outbuilding to boot room, laundry and WC with retention of historic stone walls; conversion of existing laundry and WC to pantry and store, associated modifications to drainage at Wharf Farm House, Middle Street, Ilmington, CV36 4LS  for Mr & Mrs Prosser

18/00209/LBC External stucco render restoration to front elevation wall above string course at Kings Lodge, Long Marston Road, Long Marston, CV37 8RL for Mrs A Hayhurst

17/03623/FUL Proposed 2 storey side extension and single storey rear extension at Dormer House,  Grump Street, Ilmington, CV36 4LE  for Mr & Mrs Salt-Forster  

17/03532/FUL Demolition of existing play barns and sheds to be replaced with a new barn to include play and education facilities, cafe servery and toilet facilities and the replacement of toilet block to biomass fuel building at Umberslade Farm Park, The Leasowes, Tanworth-in-Arden, Solihull, B94 5AE for Mr Oliver Muntz  

18/00044/LBC Temporary installation of aluminium rainwater goods and the retention of existing temporary structural repairs and external props to the building structure, installed under LBC ref 11/02559/LBC at Halls Croft, Old Town, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BG  for Mr Mark Ratcliffe

17/03760/FUL Proposed cabin in garden at Flat 5, Bitham Hall,  Church Hill, Avon Dassett ,CV47 2AH  for Dr Sally Crompton  

18/00185/LBC Demolition of existing open carport; creation of one dwelling comprising new build and conversion of existing outbuilding; erection of replacement carport and new garden store; and other associated works at Greenacres Farm, Badgers Lane, Lower Tysoe, Warwick, CV35 0BY for Mr & Mrs S & M Forrester  

17/03792/FUL Change of use, conversion, alterations and improvements to agricultural barn at Manor Farm to create three dwellings; creation of new access following removal of wall and trees and erection of car barn for Manor Farm House at Manor Farm,  Duck Lane ,Welford-on-Avon, CV37 8QF  for Ms Sally Stratton And Ms Nicola Bromley  

18/00210/FUL Replace existing conservatory with a new orangery on side of property at The Manor House, 101 Alcester Road, Studley, B80 7NN  for Mr Mark Simons  

18/00133/LBC Proposed wine store under kitchen floor at 6 Old School Lane, Wilmcote, CV37 9UZ for Mr Willson  

18/00115/FUL Raising of existing roof height; increasing eaves height of barns in use as holiday lets including addition of pitched roof dormers at Church Farm Barns, Church Lane, Shottery, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9HQ for Mr R Singh  

17/03699/FUL Erection of detached 3 bed bungalow at Coppers, The Close, Clifford Chambers, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 8HS for Mr Andrew Lambert  

18/00224/FUL Rebuilding rear extension at 3 Spring Cottages, Snuff Lane, Shotteswell, OX17 1JH  for Mrs Judith Urquhart 

18/00276/LBC Kitchen extension, first floor extension over garage and internal layout modifications at The Mockery, Chapel Green Farm,  Thorntons Lane, Chapel Green, Napton-On-The-Hil,l CV47 8PA for Mr & Mrs Richard Bates  

18/00275/FUL Kitchen extension, first floor extension over garage and internal layout modifications. at The Mockery, Chapel Green Farm, Thorntons Lane, Chapel Green, Napton-On-The-Hill, CV47 8PA for Mr & Mrs Richard Bates  

18/00131/FUL The proposal involves modest amendments to the existing bungalow and garage, alongside an additional single storey being added above the existing garage at Spring Cottage,  Farnborough Road, Radway, CV35 0UN  for Mr Timothy Cookson  

18/00130/FUL Erection of commercial storage building at 6 The Lane, Burmington, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 5A for Mr J Ashton  

18/00211/LBC Replace existing conservatory with a new orangery on side of property at The Manor House, 101 Alcester Road, Studley, B80 7NN for Mr Mark Simons  

18/00184/FUL Demolition of existing open carport; creation of one dwelling comprising new build and conversion of existing outbuilding; erection of replacement carport and new garden store; and other associated works at Greenacres Farm, Badgers Lane, Lower Tysoe, Warwick, CV35 0BY for Mr And Mrs S And M Forrester  

18/00037/FUL Conversion of 5-bed dwelling to National Trust production kitchen, offices, storage and 1-bed flat; conversion of former plant nursery to base for National Trust Park and Gardens Team at Dog Kennel Close,  Wellesbourne Road, Charlecote, CV35 9EW for National Trust  

17/03588/FUL Part single storey, part 2 storey rear extension to include internal reconfiguration at Frog Cottage, 1 Front Street, Ilmington, CV36 4QP for Mr & Mrs James Brittain-Jones      

17/03713/FUL 2 storey front and single storey rear extensions, first floor rear extension and internal re-planning of existing building plus re-facing of existing front gable, provision of new open porch structure and demolition of existing front boundary wall and construction of replacement  at Mowbray House,  6A Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7AE  for Ms Zoe Ballinger


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below Application No. Details

17/03602/FUL Demolition of exisitng buildings, site works, reclamation and erection of site fencing at Banbury Compton Limited, Station Works, Fenny Compton, Southam, CV47 2XB for Mr Holland  

17/03562/VARY Proposed variation of Condition No. 13 (which restricted the total number of caravans to 30) of planning permission reference S87/1639 dated 20th September 1994, to allow a total of 33 caravans ( including the Managers permanent unit). Original description: Revision of siting of caravans permanent winter use of caravan for caretaker security reasons. New access and road on site at Avonside Caravan Site,  Binton Road, Welford-on-Avon, CV37 8PW  for Mr P Deakin    

18/00155/FUL Demolition of existing agricultural barn (approved for conversion to dwelling under reference 16/00281/COUQ) and construction of new 1.5 storey 3 bedroom traditionally designed house, using existing access and drive with short new section of linking drive as previously approved. Affecting public right of way at Traps Green Farm, Forde Hall Lane, Tanworth-in-Arden, Solihull, B94 5AX for Ms C Bowen    

17/03699/FUL Erection of detached 3 bed bungalow. Affecting public right of way at Coppers, The Close, Clifford Chambers, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 8HS for Mr Andrew Lambert    

17/03757/OUT Erection of three dwellings with garages and access.  Affecting public right of way at Land Adjacent To Green Ground Top Street Northend  for Mr B Pick


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the application(s) scheduled below The development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated Application No. Details  

18/00051/FUL Erection of a single dwelling with new access and associated works at Thistles, Shipston Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 8LZ  for Admin  

17/03010/REM Reserved Matters application for 78 dwellings including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to condition one of 15/03101/OUT (Outline planning permission for up to 78 residential dwellings (including 35% affordable homes), with access taken from Warwick Road, All matters other than access to be reserved) at Land Off Warwick Road, Kineton for Miss Eloise George

18/00155/FUL Demolition of existing agricultural barn (approved for conversion to dwelling under reference 16/00281/COUQ) and construction of new 1.5 storey 3 bedroom traditionally designed house, using existing access and drive with short new section of linking drive as previously approved at Traps Green Farm, Forde Hall Lane, Tanworth-in-Arden, Solihull, B94 5AX for Ms C Bowen  

17/03056/VARY Variation of condition no. 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission reference 15/00375/FUL dated 7th April 2015, to amend the approved plans to allow for changes to the materials, design and footprint of the dwellings.  

Original description of development:  Erection of three detached dwelling house with ancillary garaging, formation of new access and drives serving each property and other related works. Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian at Brookside,  Fosse Way, Moreton Morrell, CV35 9DF  for Mr Anthony Evans

Applications No. Details      


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below Application No. Details

17/03365/FUL Erection three new dwellings, vehicular access and associated landscaping to the rear of the existing property at 5 Birdhaven Close, Lighthorne, Warwick, CV35 0BE  for Mr Andrew Smith  

18/00315/TPO -T1 lime: Fell at Tree Tops The Avenue, Bishopton, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 0RH for Mr Padgett

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to me at the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the Council's website.

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and documents(s) may be viewed on our web site at Alternatively if you do not have access to the internet they may be viewed electronically during normal office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon.

To save the inconvenience of travelling a copy of the submitted plan(s) have also been forwarded to your local Parish Council to whom you may refer.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 06/02/2018