Nordic Walking Marathon for Warwickshire Young Carers

This article is 7 years old


Published on 6 September 2018
Archived on 6 October 2018

Kathrin Foster, Consort and wife to the Mayor of Alcester, Councillor Andrew Foster, will be walking 27 miles on 15 September in Purbeck, Dorset.

Kathrin wants to support the Mayor's chosen charity Warwickshire Young Carers with this challenge. She hopes to be able to raise awareness of young carers in Warwickshire and also much needed funds to offer support to carers as young as six years old.  

Kathrin says: "I am very happy to support the Mayor of Alcester's chosen charity Warwickshire Young Carers. The charity wants to give carers the same life chances as their peers who don't have to juggle caring responsibilities with other aspects of their life such as going to school or college, work or further training."Kathrin Foster

Services offered by Warwickshire Young Carers include: 

  • someone to listen to young carers and support them
  • help for young carers to access help from other agencies and service providers 
  • help for young carers to get their point across and be heard 
  • provision of opportunities for young carers to meet other young carers, make new friends, learn new skills and have fun 
  • regular group activities, workshops, days out and short-breaks 
  • provision of support for young carers with their educational needs 
  • help for young carers to achieve their goals and aspirations, have their own life and succeed in the things they may be struggling with 
  • giving young carers an opportunity to chat, have a laugh and just relax

Kathrin will be Nordic Walking the 27 miles. It's a very challenging course and one mile more than a marathon.

Pledges and donations can be made at

You can find out more about Warwickshire Young Carers and contact them at

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 06/09/2018