Planning Notice - 14 September

This article is 7 years old


Published on 14 September 2018
Archived on 14 October 2018



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 18/02358/LBC Windows: replace the current windows with more suitable materials [timber] and a design which respects the historic property. Extension: replace the current rear extension with more suitable materials [timber] and a design which respects the historic property. Rendering: remove the rendering carried out on the north and south elevation at 70 Wood Bevington Road, Wood Bevington, B49 5LX for The Trustees of Seymour Trust 2  
  • 18/02538/LBC Conversion of existing redundant school house building to one dwelling house including a replacement flat roof rear extension and addition of first floor in rear wing at The Old School House, Main Street, Farnborough, OX17 1DZ for Mr Richard Robotham  
  • 18/02428/FUL single storey ground floor rear link extension at Rowley Lodge Cottage, 2 Rowley Crescent, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6XA for Ms S. Vickers  
  • 18/01785/LBC Conversion of two holiday let units to one dwelling for permanent unrestricted residential occupancy at Grove Farm, The Green, Warmington, OX17 1BU for Mr Richard Lister  
  • 18/01902/FUL Rear single-storey extension. Re-orientation of garage and erection of enclosure over existing swimming pool at Humber Barn,  Shipston Road, Upper Tysoe, CV35 0TR for Mr & Mrs Harrison  
  • 18/02391/FUL Amendment to approved plan 18/01244/FUL to increase length of extension at 7 Green Lane, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4HG for Mr & Mrs Conisbee  
  • 18/02486/FUL Proposed two-storey front and single-storey side extensions at ground and first floor levels, raised rear terrace and front boundary wall with access gates at 37 Priory Road, Alcester, B49 5DX for Mr & Mrs N Khera  
  • 18/02366/FUL Erection of a 2-car open garage and store, extension to existing driveway and conversion of the existing garage to a gym/games room (as approved already under 15/04208/FUL) at Cleavers, Church Lane, Welford-on-Avon, CV37 8EL for Mr & Mrs P Wright  
  • 18/02384/FUL Resubmission of 18/00703/FUL. Proposed demolition of existing rear wings, re-construction of single and two-storey extensions and construction of garden walling at 9 Shakespeare Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6RN for Mr James Richardson  
  • 18/02359/FUL Proposed feature window alterations at 7 Netherstead Court, Morton Bagot Road, Morton Bagot, B80 7FG for Mrs Maggie Pulley
  • 18/02385/LBC Resubmission of 18/00704/LBC. Proposed demolition of existing rear wings, re-construction of single and two-storey extensions, minor internal alterations, replacement front door and bathroom window and construction of garden walling at 9 Shakespeare Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6RN for Mr James Richardson  
  • 18/02159/LBC Enlarge existing openings to 50mm diameter in front elevation and internal wall of south wing for new fibre optic at Coughton Court, Coughton Fields Lane, Kinwarton, Coughton B49 5JA for Mr Simon Pickering  
  • 18/02360/LBC Proposed feature window alterations at 7 Netherstead Court, Morton Bagot Road, Morton Bagot, B80 7FG for Mrs Maggie Pulley
  • 18/02578/FUL The enhancement of the existing car park including surface improvements and extended parking areas to provide additional all-weather car parking provision and designated disabled spaces complete with associated drainage, street furniture and landscaping at Compton Verney House Estate, Compton Hill, Compton Verney, CV35 9HZ for Mr Gary Webb  
  • 18/02357/FUL Windows: replace the current windows with more suitable materials [timber] and a design which respects the historic property. Extension: replace the current rear extension with more suitable materials [timber] and a design which respects the historic property. Rendering: remove the rendering carried out on the north and south elevation at 70 Wood Bevington Road, Wood Bevington, B49 5LX for The Trustees of Seymour Trust 2  
  • 18/02330/FUL Drop kerb and new car parking space at Bex Cottage, Saddledon Street, Tysoe, CV35 0SH for Mr & Mrs Benjamin  
  • 18/01784/FUL Conversion of two holiday let units to one dwelling for permanent unrestricted residential occupancy at Grove Farm, The Green, Warmington, OX17 1BU for Mr Richard Lister  
  • 18/02244/FUL Demolition of existing garage and office and construction of one new dwelling at Land Rear of 225A High Street, Henley-in-Arden for Mr Matthew Jennings  
  • 18/02225/FUL Internal alterations to create vaulted ceiling to existing ground floor extension. Enclosed existing gazebo, install small tiled canopy roof, install a conservation roof light. Replace external arched doors at Sandbarn Farm, Snitterfield Road, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AU for Mr Joel Leeson  
  • 18/02226/LBC Internal alterations to create vaulted ceiling to existing ground floor extension. Enclosed existing gazebo, install small tiled canopy roof, install a conservation roof light. Replace external arched doors at Sandbarn Farm, Snitterfield Road, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AU for Mr Joel Leeson  
  • 18/02219/LBC 1. Replace three rotten non-original sash windows on the front (NW) elevation with new and more historically accurate 2. Repoint the ashlar ironstone to the front (NW) elevation of the house. 3. Repoint the front (NW) wall of the garage adjacent to Bottom Street 4. Rebuild and extend the rear garden wall to meet the brick wall and to close the old gateway opening between the property boundaries. 5. Replace the damaged section of mullion of the small drawing room window 6. Remove the top concrete step of the boiler room at Meadow Hall Farm, Bottom Street, Northend, CV47 2TJ for Mrs Alice Edwards


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below:   

  • 18/02462/FUL The installation of a single Kingspan kW6 wind turbine and associated cable route. The purpose of the proposed development is for the microgeneration of renewable energy, enabling the landowner to reduce their reliance upon the existing electricity grid. The intention of the proposal is to generate zero-carbon electricity through the harnessing of the natural wind resource, thus reducing the property's carbon footprint at Land at 247 Vicarage Road, Napton-on-the-Hill, Southam, CV47 8NF for Mr Michael Briggs      
  • 18/02516/OUT Outline application for the erection of five dwellings and access. (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale - reserved.) Affecting public right of way at Land off High Street, Fenny Compton for Mr E and Mr S Smith


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below. The development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.

  • 18/02201/FUL Construction of a timber-framed holiday let bungalow and parking for 5 touring caravans at Land to North of Hambridge Road, Bishops Itchington, Southam, CV47 2RH for Mr Steven Green  
  • 18/02508/FUL Demolition of existing outbuildings and proposed erection of a single dwelling with detached garage (re-submission of 15/02122/FUL) at Lane End Farm, Lower Tysoe, Warwick, CV35 0BZ for Mrs Joyce Walton  
  • 18/02516/OUT  Outline application for the erection of five dwellings and access (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale - reserved) at Land off High Street, Fenny Compton for Mr E and Mr S Smith


Notice is hereby given that a planning application accompanied by an Environmental Statement and which may affect the setting of listed buildings and/or the character or appearance of conservation areas and which may affect public rights of way, has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the following:

  • 18/01892/OUT
    • Proposed: Outline application (with all matters reserved) for a phased development comprising up to 3,100 new homes (Class C2/C3), employment (Use Classes B1(a)-(c)) including a business park of approximately 5.7ha (gross) and further employment space/land within mixed-use areas, village centre comprising a range of uses (Use Classes A1-A5/B1(a)/D1/D2), plus two primary schools and one secondary school. Provision of new open space including parks and amenity space. Provision of a new access junction from Campden Road. Associated infrastructure , utilities, engineering and landscaping works including sustainable drainage systems. The proposal incorporates the demolition/removal of the runways and other hardstanding and identified existing structures.
    • At: Long Marston Airfield, Campden Road, Lower Quinton, CV37 8LL.  
    • For: CALA Homes (Midlands) Limited. 
    • A copy of the application may be viewed at Alternatively, it can be viewed electronically (hard copy also available) during office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. CV37 6HX Monday - Wednesday 08:45 to 17:15 and Thursday - Friday 08:45 to 17:00.
    • Copies of the Environmental Statement or a Non-Technical Summary may be purchased from Lichfields - Address: 14 Regent's Wharf, All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL; Email:; Telephone: 020 7837 4477 (ref. LMA/13817). Printing charges apply and the price can be given upon request from Lichfields. CD (electronic) copies of the above information can be supplied subject to an administration fee and postage charge.  
    • A copy (which may only be electronic) of the planning submission including the Environmental Statement is also held locally by the following parish councils: Clifford Chambers and Milcote Parish Council; Weston-on-Avon Parish Council; Long Marston (Marston Sicca) Parish Council and Quinton Parish Council. 
    • For information, please also note that a separate but related planning application has been submitted in respect of a South Western Relief Road (ref.18/01883/FUL). This application can also be viewed at Any comments submitted in respect of this related planning application should be submitted separately to the planning application the subject of this letter.  
    • Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record, will be made available for public inspection and will be published on the council's website. For further information on how we manage your personal data during the planning application process please read "Planning Applicants and Contributors" on our website at
    • Comments or representations should be emailed to: or sent via the council website by selecting the "Comment" tab which appears when viewing the application, or posted to Planning Applications, Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX.  
    • Comments or representations should be received by the District Council within 56 days (8 Weeks) of the date of publication of this notice.


Notice is hereby given that a planning application accompanied by an Environmental Statement and which may affect the setting of listed buildings and/or the character or appearance of conservation areas and which may affect public rights of way, has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the following: 

  • 18/01883/FUL  
    • Proposed: Construction of a south western relief road to Stratford-upon-Avon extending between the A3400 Shipston Road near Orchard Hill Farm and the Luddington Road/B439 Evesham Road. The proposed road incorporates: a bridge structure over the River Avon and Stratford Greenway and associated viaduct approaches and embankments; provision of new footpaths; provision of new junctions between the relief road and Luddington Road, B4632 Clifford Lane/Campden Road and A3400 Shipston Road with associated alignment alterations; provision of new accesses to Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse and Clifford Business Park; associated infrastructure (including lighting), utilities, engineering (including drainage works) and landscaping works.            
    • At: Land Between B439 Evesham Rd/Luddington Rd & A3400 Shipston Rd, including Land Between Luddington Road & Stratford Racecourse, Land Between River Avon & River Stour/B4362 Clifford Lane and Land Between B4362 Clifford Lane & A3400 Shipston Road.  
    • For: CALA Homes (Midlands) Limited.     
    • The application may be viewed at Alternatively, it can be viewed electronically (hard copy also available) during office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. CV37 6HX Monday - Wednesday 08:45 to 17:15 and Thursday - Friday 08:45 to 17:00.
    • Copies of the Environmental Statement or a Non-Technical Summary may be purchased from Lichfields - Address: 14 Regent's Wharf, All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL; Email:; Telephone: 020 7837 4477 (ref. SWRR/13817). Printing charges apply and the price can be given upon request from Lichfields. CD (electronic) copies of the above information can be supplied subject to an administration fee and postage charge. 
    • A copy (which may only be electronic) of the planning submission including the Environmental Statement is also held by the following: Luddington Parish Council, Clifford Chambers and Milcote Parish Council and Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council. 
    • For information please also note that a separate but related planning application has been submitted in respect of Long Marston Airfield (ref.18/01892/OUT). This application can also be viewed at Any comments submitted in respect of this related planning application should be submitted separately to the planning application the subject of this letter. 
    • Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record, will be made available for public inspection and will be published on the council's website. For further information on how we manage your personal data during the planning application process please read "Planning Applicants and Contributors" on our website at
    • Comments or representations should be emailed to: or sent via the council website by selecting the "Comment" tab which appears when viewing the application, or posted to Planning Applications, Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX. 
    • Comments or representations should be received by the District Council within 56 days (8 Weeks) of the date of publication of this notice.    

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the council's website.  

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and documents(s) may be viewed on our website at

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet, they may be viewed electronically during normal office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. To save the inconvenience of travelling, a copy of the submitted plan(s) have also been forwarded to your local Parish Council, to whom you may refer.

Contact details

Head of Planning and Housing
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX

Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 11/09/2018