Planning Notice - 23 November

This article is 7 years old


Published on 23 November 2018
Archived on 23 December 2018



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 18/03040/LBC Internal doorway through party wall to next door - No. 8 to connect both houses to create one dwelling at 6 and 8 Church Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QT for Mrs Eve England  
  • 18/03127/FUL Construction of new dormer bungalow and formation of new drive accessed via recently approved vehicular entrance to Rose Cottage as per planning application 18/00945/FUL at Rose Cottage, High Street, Welford-on-Avon, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 8EA for Vergette
  • 18/02963/VARY Variation of Condition 11 of 17/01195/FUL to allow for the crown lifting of trees 18, 22, 23 and 63 to facilitate the approved development and removal of T30 -T49 inclusive. Proposed variation of the wording of Condition 11 to state 'The development shall be undertaken only in accordance with the Site Preparation and Development Phase Construction and Mitigation Measures set out in Sections 2 and 4 of the submitted amended Arboricultural Method Statement dated 04.10.18. Description of development of 17/01195/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. Construction of new dwelling with outbuildings at The Meads, 79 Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7AF for Mrs Karen Block  
  • 18/03199/FUL Construction of single-storey glazed link extension, first floor addition to outbuilding to create ancillary accommodation and construction of detached machinery store and garage at Grove Hill, Ardens Grafton, Alcester, B49 6DS for Mr Courtney  
  • 18/03146/FUL External and internal alterations to include the alteration of windows to doors for access to the Topiary Room, insertion of door into the rear elevation and the conversion of bedroom 21 into holding kitchen at Billesley Manor, Billesley Road, Billesley, B49 6NF for Mr Stephen Fearnly  
  • 18/03030/LBC Remove modern bathroom fixtures and fittings and undertake repairs as necessary; block existing doorway into bathroom; convert bedroom to bathroom, including installation of associated services at Wisson Hill, 16 Welford Road, Barton, Bidford-on-Avon, B50 4NP for Mrs Amanda Billingsley  
  • 18/02872/LBC Repair of rotten and woodworm-infested oak timber frame to rear wall (the north-facing gable end) and the east-facing wall. Replacement of six rotten single-glazed window frames, in these two elevations, with hardwood doubled-glazed windows in a similar style. My specialist heritage builder, Tudor Oak Projects (of Lichfield), completed a survey of the timber frame earlier this month (12.09.2018) which uncovered considerable dry rot, wet rot and woodworm infestations. Tudor Oak Projects were very concerned at the integrity and safety of the east-facing wall, in particular a panel above the back door and the surrounding timber frame which were in danger of collapsing and so I instructed them to carry out repair on this wall, which they have started at The Stonehouse, 2 Mill Street, Harbury, CV33 9HR for Mr Jem Brown
  • 18/03277/FUL Proposed extensions and alterations to existing changing room and poolhouse. Resubmission of 18/01570/FUL to include formation of new window and rooflights in changing room building, replacement of existing changing room velux rooflights and formation of new glazed internal screen in existing solid partition between lobby/lounge and pool house at Radbrook Manor, Radbrook Road, Preston-on-Stour, CV37 8NH for Mr & Mrs S Lunn  
  • 18/02616/FUL Demolition of 2 existing outbuildings and the construction of 2 replacement outbuildings to serve 5 en-suite bedrooms for the adjacent Bed and Breakfast (Burnside) at Land Adjacent to Burnside, Church Lane, Shottery for Mr Rakesh Singh  
  • 18/03147/LBC External and internal alterations to include the alteration of windows to doors for access to the Topiary Room, insertion of door into the rear elevation and the conversion of bedroom 21 into holding kitchen, removal of wall to bedroom 22 for the conversion into a bar for Topiary Room, in addition to internal  alterations to include new bathroom suites, repair and renew floorboards where necessary and internal alterations to toilets to provide improved access at Billesley Manor, Billesley Road, Billesley, B49 6NF for Mr Stephen Fearnly  
  • 18/03163/FUL Insertion of one window into the courtyard elevation (1st Floor North Barn) and internal conversion of meeting rooms into 5 bedrooms at Billesley Manor, Billesley Road, Billesley, B49 6NF for Mr Stephen Fearnley  
  • 18/02942/FUL Erection of boundary fence (in association with 15/00595/OUT and 16/02473/REM) at Land off Dog Close, Bridge Street, Wellesbourne for Hastings House Medical Centre  
  • 18/03278/LBC Proposed extensions and alterations to existing changing room and poolhouse. Resubmission of 18/01571/LBC to include formation of new window and rooflights in changing room building, replacement of existing changing room velux rooflights and formation of new glazed internal screen in existing solid partition between lobby/lounge and pool house at Radbrook Manor, Radbrook Road, Preston-on-Stour, CV37 8NH  for Mr & Mrs S Lunn  
  • 18/03136/FUL Full application for a new dwelling and access at Allington House, 1 Farm Close, Harbury, Leamington Spa, CV33 9LL for Mrs J Johnson  
  • 18/03242/FUL Provision of a temporary marquee to support learning and education activities on site between March and November inclusive, for a limited period expiring on December 1st, 2023 at Anne Hathaway's Cottage, Cottage Lane, Shottery, CV37 9HH for Mr Mark Ratcliffe
  • 18/03264/LBC Proposed installation of electric vehicle charging point - cable to run from fuse board in house, out under eaves of roof, down back of waste pipe (out of sight) on front of house, under ground to point on retaining wall in front of house. Charging point to be eoMini charging point (photo attached) which is smallest on market (175mm by 125 mm by 95mm). Charging point to be sited below post box on wall at Hill Farmhouse, Vicarage Road, Napton-on-the-Hill, CV47 8NA for Piers Neville  
  • 18/03164/LBC Insertion of one window into the courtyard elevation (1st Floor North Barn) and internal  conversion of meeting rooms into 5 bedrooms at Billesley Manor, Billesley Road, Billesley, B49 6NF  for Mr Stephen Fearnley  
  • 18/03114/FUL Proposed single dwelling and garage at Land Rear of The Old Bakery, Friars Lane, Lower Brailes for Mr Craig Wiggins  
  • 18/02438/FUL Retrospective application for the conversion of Burnside from 6 flats (Use Class C3) to a 21-bedroom Bed and Breakfast (Use Class C1) with associated alterations and extensions to include two-storey rear and single-storey front and side extensions, reconfiguration of fenestration, complete re-roofing/alterations to dormer windows/reinstatement of chimneys, smoking shelter and amendments to existing accesses with associated parking and landscaping (resubmission of 16/02386/FUL) at Burnside, Church Lane, Shottery, CV37 9HQ for Mr Rakesh Singh  
  • 18/02894/FUL Re-siting of existing garage to allow the erection of a new dwelling with associated works at Weston Close, Frog Lane, Welford-on-Avon, CV37 8EQ for Mr & Mrs Reckitt  
  • 18/03291/FUL Single-storey ground floor rear link extension at Rowley Lodge Cottage, 2 Rowley Crescent, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6XA for Ms S Vickers


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below: 

  • 18/03187/FUL Installation of groundmount photovoltaic modules to generate carbon-free electricity at Lower Farm, Southam Road, Stoneythorpe CV47 2DL for Mr Stewart Regan      
  • 18/03146/FUL External and internal alterations to include the alteration of windows to doors for access to the Topiary Room, insertion of door into the rear elevation and the conversion of bedroom 21 into holding kitchen. Affecting public right of way at Billesley Manor, Billesley Road, Billesley, B49 6NF for Mr Stephen Fearnly    
  • 18/03239/FUL Self-build 3 bedroom house, workshop and garaging with access and parking plus improvements to Fells Lane including improved re-surfacing, a turning head and a passing place. Affecting public right of way at Field between Dog Lane and Fells Lane, Napton-on-the-Hill for Mr & Mrs Sanchez    
  • 18/03163/FUL Insertion of one window into the courtyard elevation (1st Floor North Barn) and internal conversion of meeting rooms into 5 bedrooms. Affecting public right of way at Billesley Manor, Billesley Road, Billesley, B49 6NF for Mr Stephen Fearnley    
  • 18/03156/FUL New Estate Dwelling (NPPF Para 79 proposal) and pool house with garden landscape and ecology enhancement proposals - Revised submission of 18/00107/FUL. Affecting public right of way at North Farm, Cherington, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 5HZ for Mr & Mrs H Keller


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below. The development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.

  • 18/02930/FUL Proposed new dwelling at 7 Bidford Road, Broom, B50 4HP for Mr and Mrs D Bryan  
  • 18/03239/FUL Self-build 3 bedroom house, workshop and garaging with access and parking plus improvements to Fells Lane including improved re-surfacing, a turning head and a passing place at Field between Dog Lane and Fells Lane, Napton-on-the-Hill for Mr & Mrs Sanchez
  • 18/03156/FUL New Estate Dwelling (NPPF Para 79 proposal) and pool house with garden landscape and ecology enhancement proposals - Revised Submission of 18/00107/FUL at North Farm, Cherington, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 5HZ  for Mr & Mrs H Keller


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below:     

  • 18/03266/TPO T1 - Cedar, crown lift to give clearance over the slope of the roof of approximately 2.5m and rebalance the crown to give clearance to gutter height approximately 5m. T2 - Redwood, clean out the crown of dead, diseased, malformed and lift the crown over the drive to approximately 3m. T3 - Walnut, reduce the overall crown by approximately 2.5m, achieve an overall thinning of about 15-20%. It is felt to be especially important to pay attention to the lateral limbs where they extend over the adjoining garden, to the north-east at Walnut House, Leamington Road, Long Itchington, CV47 9PL for Mr Howard  
  • 18/03327/TPO T1 - Horse Chestnut: Fell. T2 - Horse Chestnut: Fell. T3 - Lime: Pollard to 10 metres in height at Greenacre, Church Road, Long Itchington, Southam, CV47 9PG for Mr David Lloyd

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the council's website.  

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and documents(s) may be viewed on our website at

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet, they may be viewed electronically during normal office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. To save the inconvenience of travelling, a copy of the submitted plan(s) has also been forwarded to your local Parish Council, to whom you may refer.

Contact details

Head of Planning and Housing
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX

Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 20/11/2018