WCAVA South Warwickshire Volunteer Awards 2019

This article is 6 years old


Published on 25 June 2019
Archived on 25 July 2019

Thursday 13th June 2019 saw Warwickshire CAVA (WCAVA) and over 130 guests celebrate the individual and collective achievements of volunteers across South Warwickshire in our first ever 'Volunteer Awards' evening which was held at Myton School.  

The Awards were held in partnership with Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council and Stratford-upon-Avon District Council as part of events to celebrate Volunteers Week.  Awards presented by Chair of Warwickshire County Council - Councillor Mrs Nicola Davies; Vice Chair of Warwick District Council - Councillor Martyn Ashford; Vice Chair of Stratford District Council - Councillor Tony Dixon.

WCAVA South Warwickshire Volunteer Awards 2019

WCAVA are very proud to announce that the winners for this year's Volunteer Awards were:

Health & Wellbeing Individual - Becky Byrne of Springfield MIND
Health & Wellbeing Group - Lifespace

Leisure & Sports Individual - Meryl Beck for her volunteering with Warwickshire Vision Support
Leisure & Sports Group - ILEAP Sunday swim team

Environment Individual - Margaret Payne for her work in Alcester, Britain in Bloom

Creativity & Heritage Individual - Rowan Parker for his support to the Southam Heritage Collection
Creativity & Heritage Group (2 awards) - Warwick Market Hall Museum Team and Escape Arts Volunteer Team

Young Volunteer (aged 14-25) - Luca Buratti for his volunteering with Stratford Scouts including as Youth Commissioner

Community Impact Individual (2 awards) - Hilary Schmidt-Hansen for 15 years of tireless volunteering in Snitterfield Village and David Moulson from the Alcester & District Local Historical Society.

Community Impact Group - Older People At Lunch (OPAL) at The GAP

Long Service Award Individual (2 awards) - John Hancock for his work with the Friendship Project for Children and Anne Carr for her 35 years of volunteering with South Warwickshire Citizens Advice.

Long Service Award Group - Shakespeare Hospice Volunteers

Unsung Hero - Group Award went to the Stratford Uniform Bank;

Unsung Hero, individual awards (2) went to Sue Verne for her work with the Helping Hands Soup Kitchen and Healey Moyes for his support to Warwickshire PRIDE.

Special recognition group Awards went to:

  • The Grace Café at St Marys Church in Leamington
  • Soroptomist International Stratford upon Avon and District
  • South Warwickshire Citizens Advice Supervisors
  • Together for Mental Wellbeing

Special Recognition Awards were also presented to:

  • Betty Addison for running a board games and crib club in Alcester at 90 years old
  • Gregory Weston for running a movement group at Leamington Rehab Hospital for people with acquired brain injuries, having recovered himself at the hospital from a serious brain injury in 2011
  • Jill Swindells for her support over 16 years to victims of crime with Victim Support
  • Nigel Milne for all the IT support he offers to South Warwickshire Citizens Advice


Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action is the leading local infrastructure and support organisation for the voluntary and community sector in Warwickshire. For further information visit: www.wcava.org.uk.

People can access volunteering opportunities on the WCAVA website at www.wcava.org.uk/volunteering-individuals

WCAVA is based at 4-6 Clemens Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 2DL

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 25/06/2019