Planning Notice - 3 January

This article is 5 years old


Published on 3 January 2020
Archived on 23 January 2020



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 19/03479/FUL Proposed single storey side extension at Cherry Tree Cottage, 3 The Green, Claverdon, Warwick, CV35 8LL for Mr And Mrs Kevin Buckley
  • 19/03469/VARY Variation to Condition 1 (Plans) of reserved matters approval 17/00772/REM to amend the External Materials Plan (P-03 Rev.E) to change some of the identified 1.8m red brick walls to 1.8m Timber Panel Fences (Retrospective)
    Original Approval: Reserved Matters Application relating to Phase 4A of outline planning permission 14/01186/OUT. Reserved matters to consist of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 149 dwellings at Meon Vale, Campden Road, Lower Quinton for Mr Elliot Rowen
  • 19/03426/LBC Conversion of outbuildings to provide three dwellings at Claverdon Hall Lye Green Claverdon, CV35 8HJ for Mr J. Cronin
  • 19/03471/FUL Replacement of existing rear extension with oak framed rear extension at Rose Cottage, Kings Coughton, Alcester, B49 5QF for Mr And Mrs Haines
  • 19/03509/FUL Retrospective permission for the erection of a greenhouse and permission for the erection of gates within a garden landscaping scheme at Hardwick Farm Barns, The Byre, Tysoe Road, Kineton, CV35 0DY for Jane Novak
  • 19/02979/VARY Variation of condition no.2 and the removal of conditions 5, 6, and 9, of planning permission 19/00308/FUL dated 14 June 2019 to revise position of roof lights and the removal of window opening (south elevation), in addition to fenestration changes to include alteration to window arrangement, insertion of flues, re-roofing, internal layout and level changes around building. Original description of development: Conversion of barn into 1 x 4-bed dwelling at Kingsmead Farm, Stratford Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9ES for Mr Simon Butterfield
  • 19/03425/FUL Conversion of outbuildings to provide three dwellings at Claverdon Hall, Lye Green, Claverdon, Warwick, CV35 8HJ for Mr J. Cronin
  • 19/03484/LBC Proposed formation of two new openings in the kitchen at The Four Teas, 24 Sheep Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6EF  for Zenios Loucas
  • 19/03418/FUL Proposed single storey extension to form disabled person's toilet. Proposed internal alterations to relocate the ladies toilet and improve the catering kitchen. Demolition of non historic partitions and reduction of bar servery at The Bluebell, 93 High Street, Henley-in-Arden, B95 5AT  for Mr And Mrs Robin Retallack
  • 19/03419/LBC Proposed single storey extension to form disabled person's toilet. Proposed internal alterations to relocate the ladies toilet and improve the catering kitchen. Demolition of non historic partitions and reduction of bar server at The Bluebell, 93 High Street, Henley-in-Arden, B95 5AT  for Mr And Mrs Robin Retallack
  • 19/03480/LBC Proposed single storey side extension at Cherry Tree Cottage, 3 The Green, Claverdon, Warwick, CV35 8LL for Mr And Mrs Kevin Buckley
  • 19/03496/VARY Variation of condition no.2 (approved plans) of planning permission 17/01729/FUL dated 21.11.2017 to introduce new steelwork to the 'Hub' to support the structure of the retained historic building, plus associated amendment to internal timber cladding; raised section of roof in a linking section between the Hub and the approved new buildings to the rear; and amended abutment between the roofs of the main Scene Dock building and the new building to the rear.
    Original description of development: Renovation and partial redevelopment of the Royal Shakespeare Company's costume workshop to provide improved workshops and offices, including partial demolition of existing buildings, construction of 1 and 2 storey extensions and a glazed, green roofed link to existing Chapel Lane offices plus a new pedestrian access to Chapel Lane at 38 - 39 Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BA for Royal Shakespeare Company
  • 19/03535/VLBC Variation of condition no.2 (approved plans) of listed building consent 17/01730/LBC dated 21.11.2017 to introduce new steelwork to the 'Hub' to support the structure of the retained historic building, plus associated amendment to internal timber cladding; raised section of roof in a linking section between the Hub and the approved new buildings to the rear; and amended abutment between the roofs of the main Scene Dock building and the new building to the rear.
    Original description of development: Renovation and partial redevelopment of the Royal Shakespeare Company's costume workshop to provide improved workshops and offices, including partial demolition of existing buildings, construction of 1 and 2 storey extensions and a glazed, green roofed link to existing Chapel Lane offices plus a new pedestrian access to Chapel Lane at 38 - 39 Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BA for Royal Shakespeare Company
  • 19/03510/LBC Retrospective permission for the erection of a greenhouse and permission for the erection of gates within a garden landscaping scheme at Hardwick Farm Barns, The Byre, Tysoe Road, Kineton, CV35 0DY for Jane Novak
  • 19/03473/LBC Replacement of existing rear extension with oak framed rear extension at Rose Cottage, Kings Coughton, Alcester, B49 5QF for Mr And Mrs Haines
  • 19/03506/LBC Proposed repairs to front elevation including timber frame and infill panels, resetting lead flashings to bay windows, removal of cement render at ground level and replacement with lime render and redecoration on completion. Revised application to 19/01660/LBC at 130 High Street, Henley-in-Arden, B95 5BS for Mr John Shuttleworth


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 19/03496/VARY Variation of condition no.2 (approved plans) of planning permission 17/01729/FUL dated 21.11.2017 to introduce new steelwork to the 'Hub' to support the structure of the retained historic building, plus associated amendment to internal timber cladding; raised section of roof in a linking section between the Hub and the approved new buildings to the rear; and amended abutment between the roofs of the main Scene Dock building and the new building to the rear.
    Original description of development: Renovation and partial redevelopment of the Royal Shakespeare Company's costume workshop to provide improved workshops and offices, including partial demolition of existing buildings, construction of 1 and 2 storey extensions and a glazed, green roofed link to existing Chapel Lane offices plus a new pedestrian access to Chapel Lane at 38- 39 Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BA for Royal Shakespeare Company


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 19/03518/TPO -T1 ash - Reduce by approximately 1-2metres to clear building and reduce back to pollard points at 148 High Street, Henley-in-Arden, B95 5BS for Mohoshin Ahmed

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the council's website.  

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and document(s) may be viewed on our website at

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet, they may be viewed electronically during normal office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. To save the inconvenience of travelling, a copy of the submitted plan(s) has also been forwarded to your local Parish Council, to whom you may refer.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 23/12/2019