Planning Committee (B) - 29 July: Results

This article is 5 years old


Published on 30 July 2019
Archived on 30 August 2019

Videos of planning committee meetings are normally added to the Council Meeting Webcasts page within 24 hours of being held.


  • Application No. 15/03785/VARY - Land West of Stratford, South of Alcester Road and North of Evesham Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9RX

Removal of condition 31 (on-site renewable sources) and variation of condition 33 (amend timeframes for submission of Code for Sustainable Homes Final Certificate), condition 37 (hard and soft landscaping) and condition 54 (garden area noise) of outline planning permission 09/02196/OUT granted at appeal under APP/J3720/A/11/2163206 (Construction of up to 800 dwellings, mixed use local centre to consist of residential development, retail/commercial floorspace (1,000 sq.m. A1-A5) and D1 uses and primary school; laying out of green infrastructure consisting of open space, structural landscaping, and areas of equipped play and associated infrastructure; construction of new highway infrastructure between Alcester Road and Evesham Road and associated highway works and access connections; associated engineering and ground modelling works and drainage infrastructure; and demolition of nos. 3 and 4 Bordon Hill)      

Recommendation: Approve
Committee: Approved with revisions to C31    

Studley With Mappleborough Green  

  • Application No. DISCN/00123/19 - Redditch Gateway, Land Adjacent to the A4023 Coventry Highway, East of Ravensbank and Winyates Green, Redditch      

Discharge of Condition 19 HGV Routing Strategy and 20 HGV Surveys of planning permission 18/03746/VARY.      

Recommendation: Approve
Commitee: Approved      

Studley With Sambourne  

  • Application No. 19/00785/FUL - 68 Toms Town Lane, Studley, B80 7QP       

Demolition of single-storey side extension to no. 68 and erection of two 2-bed semi-detached dwellings with accompanying new access to road      

Recommendation: Grant
Committee: Delegate to officers        


  • Application No. 19/00806/FUL - Chapel Gate Lodge, Chapel Lane, Ullenhall, B95 5RT      

Proposed general purpose agricultural building      

Recommendation: Grant
Committee: Delegate to officers    


  • Application No. 19/01116/FUL - The Barn, Windmill Hill Farm, Windmill Hill Lane, Chesterton, Leamington Spa      

Ground floor kitchen extension to the rear      

Recommendation: Refuse
Committee: Refused

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 30/07/2019