Planning Notice - 4 September

This article is 5 years old


Published on 4 September 2020
Archived on 3 October 2020



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 20/02128/LBC Ground floor single-storey extension to form garden room at The Stable House, Warwick Road, Pillerton Hersey, CV35 0QJ for Mr and Mrs Fetherston-Dilke  
  • 20/00994/FUL Proposed detached garage, utilising existing vehicular access along with conversion of existing garage at Flaxhide, Walcote, Alcester, B49 6LY for Mr Keith Palmer 
  • 20/02107/FUL Single storey garden room extension to rear of property and insertion of larger conservation rooflight above stairs in rear roof slope. Replace west boundary timber fence with 9 inch thick brick wall at Bramble Cottage, Market Square, Kineton CV35 0LP for Mrs Heather Laurie  
  • 20/02217/FUL The installation of 2no rooftop tripod frames supporting 4no antenna apertures (2no per tripod), 2no pole-mounted antenna apertures fixed to a plantroom, plus 2no supporting poles accommodating 4no transmission dishes (2no per support pole) GRP screening, and ancillary development thereto. The installation of equipment cabinets is also proposed. These cabinets will be positioned within the building's plant room at Loungers (Former BHS Building) 32 - 34 Bridge Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6AD for Mobile Broadband Network Limited  
  • 20/02167/ADV Installation of seven new illuminated and non-illuminated signs to the exterior of the building and boundary wall (retrospective) at Burnside Hotel, Church Lane, Shottery, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9HQ for Mr Rakesh Singh  
  • 20/01784/FUL Proposed change of use of building from Class A1 (Retail) Use to Class A5 (Hot food and takeaway) Use, and other associated development at 82C High Street, Bidford-on-Avon, Alcester, B50 4AD for Mr Nick Panateli  
  • 20/02055/VARY Variation of condition number 2 (Approved drawings) and condition numbers 4 and 6 (Materials) of planning permission 19/01799/FUL (Construction of new workshop and car port.) VARY would add plans to accommodate minor amendments to the previously approved building, the use of timber boarding to all elevations and the use of brick to only the bottom plinth at Town Farm, Stretton-on-Foss,e Moreton-in-Mars,h GL56 9SB for Tom And Jackie Venables  
  • 20/01824/FUL Change of use of existing outbuilding to ancillary annexe at Orchard End, Dassett Road, Avon Dassett, CV47 2AY for Mrs Sandra Sandiford  
  • 20/01975/LBC Remove part of a brick wall to widen driveway entrance (by 700mm) at Old Cedars, 7 Priors Court, Priors Marston, Southam, CV47 7RH for Mr John Timson  
  • 20/02166/OUT Construction of a new two storey three bedroom house on land to the rear of Ambercote at Ambercote, School Lane, Priors Marston, CV47 7RR for Mr and Mrs Dek Messecar  
  • 20/01974/FUL Remove part of a brick wall to widen driveway entrance (by 700mm) at Old Cedars, 7 Priors Court, Priors Marston, Southam, CV47 7RH for Mr John Timson  
  • 20/02116/FUL Proposed single storey rear lean to extension, loft conversion, new boundary walling and vehicle gates plus internal alterations at 64 Albany Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6PQ for Mr And Mrs Burton-Wilcock  
  • 20/02053/FUL Proposed re-surfacing of vacant site to provide temporary (18 months) car parking facility prior to hotel development at Windsor Place, Windsor Street, Stratford-upon-Avon for Mr Igor Kolodotscho  
  • 20/02159/FUL Re-build section of wall located to the south of the Church at St Barnabas and St Nicholas Church, Burmington for Graham Lancaster  
  • 20/01853/FUL Replacement of section of existing roof material above the South Aisle with cold applied mineral felt for a temporary period at St Peter and Vincula Church, High Street, Ratley, OX15 6DS for Mrs A C Harding-Smith  
  • 20/02176/VARY Vary Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 19/02870/FUL (dated 03.02.2020) for the erection of one self-build, local market dwelling to permit the addition of a balcony to the master bedroom, change the garage's external matierals, relocate the utility room and extend the kitchen/dining room at Land Adjacent To Pinecroft, Ashorne Road, Ashorne, CV35 9DR for Mr William Carroll  
  • 20/02081/LBC Installation of CCTV cameras (external and internal) at 38 - 39 Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BA for Royal Shakespeare Company  
  • 20/02124/VARY Variation of condition no.2 and the removal of conditions 4,6 ( additional drawings provided for condition 2 to facilitate the removal of condition 4,6) of planning permission 19/00310/FUL dated 02 August 2019 to allow for fenestration changes to include alteration to window arrangement, insertion of flues and re-roofing and alterations to the positon of roof lights on west elevation, insertion of doorway to north elevation. Original description of development: Conversion, alterations and rationalisation of existing holiday let accommodation to provide one dwelling with associated works at Kingsmead Farm, Stratford Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9ES for Mr Simon Butterfield  
  • 20/02080/FUL Installation of CCTV cameras (external and internal) at 38 - 39 Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BA for Royal Shakespeare Company  
  • 20/02161/LBC Re-build section of wall located to the south of the Church at St Barnabas and St Nicholas Church, Burmington for Graham Lancaster  
  • 20/01910/LBC Install television aerial to chimney at west end of building at Park Farm, Frog Lane, Ilmington, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4LQ for Mrs Lesley Lane  
  • 20/02122/FUL Two storey extension at 87 High Street, Bidford-on-Avon, B50 4BG for Mr and Mrs Morris


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 20/01377/OUT Outline application (access and layout for determination) for an arena building and stables with 20no. groom's apartments at Dallas Burston Polo Grounds, Southam Road, Stoneythorpe, CV47 2DL for Dr Dallas Burston      
  • 20/01377/OUT Outline application (access and layout for determination) for an arena building and stables with 20no. groom's apartments. Affecting public right of way at Dallas Burston Polo Grounds, Southam Road, Stoneythorpe, CV47 2DL for Dr Dallas Burston


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below:

  • 20/02171/TPO T1 - black walnut - Reduce crown by up to 2metres retaining spread of 24metres, remove dead wood and hanging dead branches
    T2 - oak - Remove dead wood and crown clean
    T3 - beech - Remove dead wood and crown clean
    T4 - oak - Remove dead wood and crown clean at Walnut Tree Cottage, 1 Walton Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RD for Mr Chris Wyatt  
  • 20/02162/TPO T2 - oak - Crown reduction of approx 1metre in spread and height to viable growth points, reduce branch to clear roof of the house by 2metres. Remove deadwood at 10 Glebe Road, Claverdon, Warwick, CV35 8NX for Mr John Clements  
  • 20/01958/TPO T1 - pear - Reduce height and spread as per annotated photograph at 19 Perry Orchard, Long Marston, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 8FL for Mrs Tracey Byrne  
  • 20/02195/TPO T1 - horse chestnut- Remove     T2 - lime - Remove at Alcester Tennis Club, Moorfield Road, Alcester for Mr Swift  
  • 20/02210/TPO T1 - oak - Fell at 7 Birdhaven Close, Banbury Road, Lighthorne Heath, CV35 0BE for Mr Connor Scullion  
  • 20/02324/TPO T401 - scots pine - Fell
    T403 - ash - Pollard 5metres
    T405 - ash - Pollard 3metres
    T406 - ash - Crown lift 5.5metres limb over highway
    T409 - lawson cypress - Fell      
    T410 - lawson cypress - Fell
    T411- ash - Coppice    
    T412 - leylandii - Reduce by 9metres at The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Priors Marston, Southam, CV47 7RT for Mr Tim Batchelor

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the council's website.  

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and document(s) may be viewed on our website at

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet, they may be viewed electronically during the restricted office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. To save the inconvenience of travelling, a copy of the submitted plan(s) has also been forwarded to your local Parish Council, to whom you may refer.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 03/09/2020