Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:
Application No. (Conservation Area) Details
- 24/00285/LBC Replacement of single glazed windows with double glazed windows at Lilac Cottage, Market Square, Kineton, Warwickshire CV35 0LP for Mr Christopher Rowles.
- 24/00964/FUL Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, addition of new porch and outdoor swimming pool at Lockhill Farm, Featherbow Lane, Ratley, Warwickshire OX15 6DS for Mr I Wenman & Ms C Vaux.
- 24/00621/LBC Demolition and redevelopment to create 5 no. retail units (class E) and a hotel (use class C1) and other associated development at Former Debenhams And H&M Units 33-35 High Street & Unit 12 Taskers Way, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6AU for Blue Coast Stratford LLP.
- 24/00612/FUL Repair and extension of Bothy dwelling; conversion of the Garage to 1 no. dwelling; erection of 1 no. dwelling in Small Walled Garden and 1 no. dwelling in Large Walled Garden; repair of Brewhouse, restoration of Wellesbourne Hall and associated Paddock, extension of the Private Garden area of Garden Cottage; widening of existing vehicular access and erection of gates; including associated demolition and landscaping works at Wellesbourne Hall, Stratford Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9RN for Mr Harminder Dhinsay.
- 24/00909/FUL Proposed New roof covering to the existing roof at 7 Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7AE for Mr Sat Dhaiwal.
- 24/00841/VARY Variation or deletion of conditions two (approved plans), three (Construction Management Plan), four (materials), five (external lighting), six (Horse Waste Management Plan), seven (access width and surfacing) and 12 (gates) of permission 21/02877/FUL (determined 09.02.2022) to regularise changes made during construction. Original description of development: stables and yard at Land Off Welsh Road, Welsh Road, Priors Hardwick, Southam CV47 7SN for Mr Sholto Toner.
- 24/00784/LBC To rebuild damage / fallen section of stone boundary wall and to rebuild leaning wall section at The Homestead, Crown Street, Harbury, Warwickshire CV33 9HE for Sarah Parry.
- 24/00783/FUL To rebuild damage / fallen section of stone boundary wall and to rebuild leaning wall section at The Homestead, Crown Street, Harbury, Warwickshire CV33 9HE for Sarah Parry.
- 24/00287/FUL Proposed orangery to the front elevation at 8 Ferry Lane Alveston Warwickshire CV37 7QX for Mr Edwards
- 23/03230/FUL The erection of 2,224sqm of horticultural polytunnels for research and development purposes; installation of access track and all associated landscaping works at Wellesbourne Campus, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF for The University of Warwick.
- 24/00536/FUL Proposed solar panels on nave roof at St Nicholas Church, Butter Street, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 5AL for Graeme Beamish.
- 23/01922/FUL Change of use of former public house (Sui Generis) to a single dwelling (C3) at Fox And Hounds Inn, Moreton in Marsh Road, Great Wolford, Warwickshire CV36 5NQ for Simon Justin Firkins.
- 24/00613/LBC Repair and extension of Bothy dwelling; conversion of the Garage to 1 no. dwelling; erection of 1 no. dwelling in Small Walled Garden and 1 no. dwelling in Large Walled Garden; repair of Brewhouse, restoration of Wellesbourne Hall and associated Paddock, extension of the Private Garden area of Garden Cottage; widening of existing vehicular access and erection of gates; including associated demolition and landscaping works at Wellesbourne Hall, Stratford Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9RN for Mr Harminder Dhinsay.
- 24/00917/LBC Replace existing door and window for hardwood bi-fold doors to rear flat roof extension at Cornerways, Shipston Road, Upper Tysoe, Warwick CV35 0TR for Mrs Laura Merriman.
- 24/00794/LBC Change of use and conversion of buildings to four dwelling houses, demolition of farm buildings, erection of garage and bin stores and associated development at Coughton Fields Farm, Coughton Fields Lane, Coughton, Warwickshire B49 6BT for The Heart Of England Forest.
Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below
Application No. Details
- 24/00166/VARY Variation of condition 2 (approved plans), condition 21 (approved documents for residential phase) and condition 32 (residential footprint restriction) of planning permission 21/00973/OUT (date of decision 2 February 2023) to allow an increase in footprint, increase in volume and increase in site coverage of the 24 residential units. Original description of development: 'Following the demolition of all existing structures a hybrid application comprising a full application for the redevelopment of the western part of the site for employment units for light industrial (Class E(g)iii) and storage (Class B8)
purposes and other associated works; along with an outline application with all matters reserved except for access for residential housing development for up to 24 units to the eastern side of the site' at Countrywide Bearley Mill, Snitterfield Road, Bearley, Stratford-upon-Avon for MS Countrywide Properties Ltd.
- 23/03230/FUL The erection of 2,224sqm of horticultural polytunnels for research and development purposes; installation of access track and all associated landscaping works at Wellesbourne Campus, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF for The University of Warwick.
- 24/00598/OUT Outline application (all matters reserved except for access) for the development of 8 homes and the phased development of 13 custom and self-build homes, the formation of a new vehicular access from Banbury Road, and the laying out of public open space. Affecting public right of way at Land South Of Banbury Road, Banbury Road, Ettington for Rainier Developments Ltd & Mr Richard Hutsby.
Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below. The development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated
Application No. Details
- 24/00290/FUL Temporary siting of mobile home for the care of animals in conjunction with the existing farm animal sanctuary (agricultural use) (with no use of the unit for accommodation purposes) for a period of five years at Woolly Park Farm, Wolverton Road, Wolverton, Warwickshire CV37 0HQ for Mrs Carole Webb.
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below
Application No. Details
- 24/00397/TPO -T1 ash- 3 metre crown reduction. -T2 Sorbus- 1 metre crown reduction at King Edward VI School Sports Field And Pavilion, Manor Road, Stratford-upon-Avon for Mr Robert Hunt.
- 24/01007/TPO -T1 Turkey oak - Remove deadwood, lateral reduction by approximately 3 metres, to blend into top natural growth and reduce end-weight. (Not a full crown reduction) at Village Hall, Coronation Lane, Shotteswell, Banbury OX17 1JF for Mr Ben Zammett.
- 24/00950/TPO -T1 walnut - Reduce crown 2 metres in upper canopy and up to 3 metres on extended laterals to relieve weight. -T2 walnut - Raise crown on property side to approximately 5 metre. Selective reduction of heavy, extended laterals in low to mid crown where over neighbouring property, to relieve weight at Walnut Tree Cottage, Furze Hill, London Road, Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4EP for Mr David Adams.
- 24/00952/TPO -T1 ash - Fell at 6 Ashbury Court, Henley-in-Arden, B95 5AF for Mr Alec Winter.
Contact details
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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