Planning Committee - 14 April: Results

This article is 3 years old


Published on 15 April 2021
Archived on 15 May 2021

Videos of planning committee meetings are normally added to the Council Meeting Webcasts page within 24 hours of being held.


  • Application No. 21/00421/FUL - Land opposite Oak House, The Old Gated Road, Chesterton     

Proposed two-bedroom self-build, local market bungalow    

Recommendation: Refuse
Decision: Granted


  • Application No. 20/03284/FUL - 24 Gardiner Road, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0BF      

Single storey rear extension and conversion of the garage to create habitable accommodation that includes front extension of the garage      

Recommendation: Grant
Decision: Granted    

Red Horse  

  • Application No. 20/03543/FUL - Court Farm , Arlescote Road, Arlescote, OX17 1DQ      

Proposed alterations to remove an existing brick built store/shed and replace with a stone walled infill extension to provide secure storage and home office space      

Recommendation: Refuse
Decision: Granted    

Studley With Mappleborough Green  

  • Application No. 20/02896/FUL - The Nook , Birmingham Road, Mappleborough Green, B80 7BL    

Bedroom and bathroom extension to existing attached garage      

Recommendation: Refuse
Decision: Granted  

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 15/04/2021