New Post to Raise Profile of Alcester

This article is 20 years old


Published on 7 November 2005
Archived on 7 December 2005


Promoting Alcester, its surrounding villages and countryside and increasing membership of Alcester Chamber of Trade and Commerce (ACTC) are the main tasks for Carolyn Smith, newly appointed as Alcester Enterprise Officer.

Carolyn, who has lived in Wixford since 1996 with her husband and two daughters, was previously national PR Manager for the Countryside Agency in Cheltenham. As well as 15 years working in communications for various government departments, her past career includes journalism, radio broadcasting and a stint as publications editor to the Household of The Prince of Wales.

Andy Mills, Chairman of ACTC, said:

"This is the first time Alcester has had a post dedicated to raising the profile of the town and its hinterland, and we're grateful to Advantage Alcester, Stratford District Council and Advantage West Midlands for providing the initial funding. It's a real opportunity to make potential visitors, new businesses and investors aware of what we have to offer." 

Carolyn is delighted with her new challenge. She said:

"This is a fantastic area, with interesting and individual shops, services, food and accommodation as well as beautiful scenery. It will be a pleasure to promote it, particularly as I am a local resident and have first-hand experience of its attractions."

The post is part- time, and initially funded for 7 months by Advantage West Midlands' Market Town Initiative funding through the Advantage Alcester partnership and Stratford District Council who act as the accountable body and facilitate project management.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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