Searching for sporting stars

This article is 20 years old


Published on 1 November 2005
Archived on 1 December 2005

Stratford-on-Avon District is on the look out for sporting achievement as it promotes it's annual sports awards scheme. 

This is the 4th year of the sports awards scheme, which aims to acknowledge the exploits and talents of the district's sportsmen and women and celebrate the huge amount of work that takes place within sport in the district.

The awards scheme is open to all sports enthusiasts who are part of a club or school team in the Stratford-on-Avon district and there are seven categories: 

  • Senior
  • Junior
  • Coach/Teacher
  • Club Official/Volunteer
  • Senior and Junior Team
  • Service to Sport

Finalists will be chosen from each category with an overall winner selected from this group.  The judging panel will consist Councillors, volunteers and officers.

Nominations must be returned to the District Council by the end of November.  Anyone can make a nomination for any individual or teams that they consider have had a significant year, either in terms of success, determination or for overcoming particular difficulties.  The nominations need to demonstrate the reasons for recommendation and why the person or team deserve to be rewarded. 

"We are committed to encouraging sports participation for all residents of the district.  This awards scheme will highlight the dedication, expertise and achievements of individuals and teams," says Cllr Juliet Short, Portfolio Holder for Community Services.

"There may be many residents of the district that deserve such an award and we would like people to nominate them so their exploits can be recognised."

Nomination forms are available from the Leisure Services Team at the District Council on 01789 260606 or 260646.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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