Gold for partnership work

This article is 20 years old


Published on 5 December 2005
Archived on 5 January 2006

Joint working between Stratford-on-Avon District Council and local voluntary groups has been awarded a gold commendation in a national assessment to be reported to Government Ministers later this month.

The award recognises the joint approach by the District Council and Stratford Council for Voluntary Services to implementing a county-wide agreement, known as a Compact. Particular praise was given to the practical approach taken in the District.

"This is excellent news for all involved, especially the Council and voluntary sector champions," said Cllr Trevor Russel, the District Council Deputy leader. "The Council needs the voluntary organisations to work with us and help us to improve the quality of life for residents across the District. Their involvement is essential. 

"Council taxpayers simply couldn't afford to pay for the extra staff needed to deliver the excellent range of services that voluntary organisations currently provide, and the fact is that in many cases we wouldn't be able to match the quality of their services.

"They are our key partners, and represent real value for money for every pound we give in grants.

"The Council has gone to great lengths to develop and extend its Compact with the voluntary sector. The award recognises that it is one of the best in the country, and it is a well-deserved tribute to the excellent working relationship between ourselves and the voluntary sector, led by CVS.

"We intend to strengthen the Compact, looking at ways voluntary organisations can make an increasing and ever-more important contribution to our work."

Cllr Hazel Wright, Portfolio Holder for Member Services added:

"This is the only Gold commendation awarded for the way of working in partnership.  It recognises that the Council and voluntary organisations are working together in a relationship of equals."

The first Warwickshire Compact was launched in January 2002, after which a special group to implement it was established.  The District Council is represented on the Group together with the Stratford Council for Voluntary Service, and actions are agreed jointly.

"The group is working well, and has given the voluntary sector access to a number of facilities," said Alan Bartlett, Chief Officer of Stratford Council for Voluntary Service.

"For instance, voluntary sector staff are given the opportunity to attend the Council's staff inductions to improve their awareness of the structure and processes of local government.  Earlier this year, I spent a day shadowing Paul Lankester, the District Council's Chief Executive, and we both learned a great deal about the issues the other is facing. The gold award is a marvellous achievement. The success culture of our partnership is based on "JDI" - Just Do It - and we have."


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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