Customer focus on planning service

This article is 19 years old


Published on 10 January 2006
Archived on 10 February 2006

Planning services to residents and businesses in south Warwickshire are being improved with a view to more customer focus. Planning applications to Stratford-on-Avon District Council can now be made on the internet, and new procedures and charges are being introduced to help keep Council Tax bills down.

"We are giving people the opportunity to save time and costs by allowing them to submit planning applications via our website," said Cllr Stuart Beese, the Portfolio Holder for Planning.

"Application files and other planning information can also now be viewed over the internet, which means anyone wanting to see application plans, associated reports and correspondence can do so simply by visiting the web-site (

"In order to help keep Council Tax increases to a minimum, we are introducing fees for some Development Control services which were previously provided free of charge. The fees are set on a cost basis and are not intended to be profit making, though it does mean that the general Council Tax payer no longer subsidise users of these services.

"The Council has also introduced a new procedure for the submission of amendments and further information for planning applications. We receive thousands of proposed amendments to already-submitted plans, and this new system will help us process the details more quickly and efficiently."

The charges being introduced are:

Processing of proposed amendments to planning permissions and other approvals - £35 for householder applications, £75 for other applications;

Informal letters confirming whether a proposed development is permitted development - £25 (15 working day service), £50 (2 working day service);

Production of planning histories for a particular site - £11;

Other research into general enquiries where substantial work is required - £20 per hour.

Pre-application planning advice and the processing of proposed amendments to current planning and other applications remain free of charge.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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