Stratford District Council website making it easier for residents

This article is 19 years old


Published on 9 January 2006
Archived on 9 February 2006

Moved house recently?  Had to make endless phone calls to notify organisations of your change of address and a number of times to different departments in the same organisation?

Well Stratford-on-Avon District Council has a new development that should prevent such problems.

Since November 2005 residents have been able to report things such as graffiti, fly tipping, and noise nuisance using the 'Report It' form on the District Council's website.  But in addition to all these, residents can now notify the Council if they have changed address.

"This is an important innovation for the District Council and provides our residents with a direct and easy route to report problems and now notify any address changes," said Cllr Trevor Russel, the Portfolio Holder for Change and Performance.

"We expect the change of address option on the website to be popular as now residents will only have to inform the Council once that they have moved instead of having to inform departments separately. 

"It is quick and easy to use and should reduce the number of incidences when people have for example inadvertently not been on the electoral roll because they haven't informed the correct department.  Another benefit of the 'Report It' form is that residents can report things anonymously without fear of reprisal."

Last April the Council launched its redesigned website to make it easier to use.  It provides information about the Council and its services such as planning applications, and can also be used to make payments including paying Council Tax.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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