Good results of visitor study

This article is 19 years old


Published on 6 February 2006
Archived on 6 March 2006

A study into how Stratford-upon-Avon measures up with visitors shows they really enjoy the town and would recommend it to friends and relatives. Most were complimentary about the town's relaxed atmosphere, and the historical and architectural heritage are the town's main attraction. The study's findings are being published later this week.   

The Visitor Benchmarking Study was commissioned by Stratford-on-Avon District Council, in partnership with Stratford Renaissance, last summer. Over 500 in-depth structured interviews with visitors to Stratford were carried out, with questions that ranged from their reasons for coming to the town, what they liked and didn't like about the experience, and whether they would recommend it as a destination to friends and relatives or if they would pay a return visit. Interviewees represented a cross section of domestic and overseas visitors, covering both day and overnight or longer stays.

"This study demonstrates what visitors really think about our town," said Cllr Chris Williams, the District Council Portfolio Holder for Community Services.

"I am pleased to see that the cleanliness of our streets, toilets and the way we look after our parks and open space meets with visitors' approval, as does the general atmosphere and sense of welcome they experience. Most thought their accommodation was good and excellent value for money.  

"The interviews were conducted to a standard format that will also allow comparisons to be made against historic towns and other visitor destinations in England.  

"Interpretation of this information will help to identify what we do well, and not so well, and what we can learn from good practice elsewhere."  

The results of the study, carried out by Heart of England Tourism, are to be published this Friday, 10 February, at Stratford District Council's offices Elizabeth House, at 3 pm. Local media are invited to this event.  

Copies of the full study will be available on the day.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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