Audit Commission publishes its audit report for the planning service at Stratford-on-Avon District Council

This article is 19 years old


Published on 27 July 2006
Archived on 27 August 2006

On 27 July the Audit Commission is publishing its audit report for the Planning service at Stratford-on-Avon District Council.  The District Council was rated as fair against a set of new, much more stringent criteria, which have recently been adopted by the Commission.  Although, the Commission acknowledges that the service has some substantial strengths and has improved some important elements of the service, the report assesses the prospects for further improvement as uncertain, mainly because future service plans are not yet fully developed. 

"We welcome this report which will be a valuable tool to help guide our ongoing improvements to the service.  I am pleased to see that, as well as offering constructive criticism, the Audit Commission also acknowledges the hard work and substantial changes which are taking place," says Cllr Stuart Beese, Planning Portfolio.

Recent changes include:

  • Effective response to the Commission's previous report on Probity in Planning, including full reviews of the Council's Planning Committee system;
  • Substantial improvements in development control performance, resulting this year in the largest Government Planning Delivery Grant in Warwickshire;
  • The implementation of an e-planning service, giving access to plans and other documents relating to all planning applications on-line; and
  • The adoption of the Local Plan, enabling strict control to be placed on approvals of further housing development in the District.

"Many other improvements are also taking place, particularly focussing on customer service.  For example, one of the key criticisms of the report was that it is difficult to meet planning officers for pre-application discussions.  A new system of planning 'surgeries' will be in place shortly, making planning officers easily accessible on a regular basis," continues Cllr Beese.

"In line with the report's recommendations the Council will be doing further work to ensure that the Planning Service provides value for money and improves customer service. 

"Planning will always be controversial in Stratford-on-Avon District, because we have a beautiful and historic environment which people rightly value.  The Planning Service has a difficult job in resolving the inevitable conflicts, which come from trying to regulate development in such an area.  The Audit Commission has rated the service as 'fair' against a raised bar and praises the contribution which the service makes to protecting and enhancing the District's precious environment.  This is not a bad result, but it is not good enough.  We are determined to continue improving the service and aiming for excellence."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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