1st in Warwickshire for District Council's Sports Team

This article is 19 years old


Published on 12 October 2006
Archived on 12 November 2006

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is the first local authority in Warwickshire to achieve the Quest award. The Council's sports development team has been praised for providing an excellent play schemes and coaching programmes to customers in the District.  

"This is great news for the Council and more importantly our customers, especially as the inspection was carried out by an independent Quest assessor. The sports team has been recognised as providing guaranteed high quality services and value for money for local residents," says Councillor Chris Williams, Portfolio Holder for Community Services.  

"The Quest scheme provides a framework for the Council's sports team to compare itself against other local authorities in the Country and share ideas to improve the quality of its services provided to local residents.  

"We are now looking forward to improving the service even further by implementing the recommendations made, with the aim of achieving an even better score in the review in two years time."        

Quest is the UK quality scheme for sports development that is awarded to Councils who can demonstrate they offer quality service against strict criteria and prove they are continuously improving their service to customers.  The Quest award is the top award for sports development and the scheme is endorsed by Sport England and the DCSM.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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